𓁥¹⁸. a ruler of hearts, you are

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In the dim glow of the chamber's flickering lamps, Jungkook stood tall, his eyes locking onto Tyung's, filled with a depth of emotion that transcended mere loyalty.

"Pharaoh Tyung," he said, his voice steady, "My feelings for you go beyond the boundaries of servant and Pharaoh. I care for you deeply, more than duty demands, but I understand my place. I will admire you from afar, respecting the constraints that bind us."

Tyung's jaw tightened, his grip on his robe clenching in a futile attempt to mask the turmoil beneath his composed facade.

He watched in silence as Jungkook bowed respectfully before turning to leave.

But just as he reached the threshold, Jungkook paused, his hand delicately retrieving a scarab amulet from beneath his thick belt.

With deliberate care, he placed the amulet on a nearby stand, a silent offering echoing the depths of his unspoken affection.

Tyung's eyes flickered with curiosity as he observed the scarab, his fingers twitching with the urge to reach out and touch the item. Yet, he held back, allowing the chasm of unspoken words and unexplored emotions to linger between them.

As Jungkook left the room, Tyung couldn't resist the pull of the amulet's enigmatic presence.

He moved swiftly, his fingers brushing the cool surface of the scarab, his breath hitching at the raw intensity of his feelings.

Closing his fist around the amulet, he closed his eyes, attempting to find solace amidst the storm of emotions raging within him.

as he clung to the scarab amulet, Tyung allowed himself to acknowledge the depth of his emotions, even as he grappled with the complexities of their relationship.


As the night falls, casting a deep indigo hue over the palace, the grand courtroom of Kemet buzzes with an electric anticipation.

Political leaders, scholars, and dignitaries from all corners of the kingdom converge within its opulent walls.

The air is heavy with the scent of burning incense, and torchlight dances on the polished marble floors, adding to the grandeur of the moment.

At the heart of the assembly, Pharaoh Tyung sits regally upon his throne, his figure outlined by the flickering torches.

His attire exudes power, every fold of his robe meticulously crafted, every piece of jewelry gleaming in the ambient light.

His gaze, sharp as the edge of a dagger, surveys the room, acknowledging the attendees from noble families and influential cities, each awaiting his decree with bated breath.

Among the crowd stands Jungkook, his eyes fixed on the Pharaoh. a reflex he has no control of.

Jungkook's eyes trace the line of Tyung's jaw, his gaze inevitably drawn to the scarab amulet adorning the Pharaoh's neck.

The ancient symbol of protection glimmers in the torchlight, catching Jungkook's attention like a beacon in the night, and creates a thousand storms in his heart. a heart that's thirsty for the Pharoah's love.

For a fleeting moment, their eyes meet across the vast expanse of the courtroom.

In that brief connection, emotions swirl beneath the surface. Jungkook's eyes hold a mix of admiration and desire, a silent acknowledgment of the complexity of their relationship.

Tyung's gaze, cold yet tinged with a hint of flirtation, meets his, the intensity of their unspoken connection echoing in the depths of his eyes. as if he was speaking with his sharp eyes, communicating a message only meant for jungkooks heart.

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