𓀊²¹. make me yours

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As the night wore on, Tyung sat beside his father, the flickering candlelight casting a warm glow upon them.

Their glasses clinked in a silent toast, the rich aroma of wine filling the air.

Imhotep's voice resonated, praising Jungkook's bravery and skill, and Tyung felt an unusual sense of pride swell within him.

A peculiar sense of belonging tugged at Tyung's heart, making him eager to meet Jungkook once more.

The anticipation of their meeting added a layer of excitement to the night's festivities, as if fate itself had woven their paths together.

The palace chambers were aglow with the warm flicker of torchlight, casting dancing shadows on the walls.

Tyung, adorned in regal attire, sat beside his father Pharaoh Imhotep, at a grand marble table.

Imhotep's eyes glinted with approval as he leaned forward, his voice rich and resonant with authority.

"Jungkooks bravery deserve to be rewarded. I have arranged the finest wines and beauties to be sent to him at his bathing spot. It is a token of our gratitude for his service."

Tyung's grip tightened around his golden goblet, the muscles in his jaw tensing. His eyes widened in a mixture of shock and possessiveness.

"Father, you shouldn't have done that without consulting me first." His voice, though soft, carried a note of authority that only Pharaohs could muster.

Imhotep, momentarily taken aback, raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Why is that? Surely, he deserves such rewards for his valor."

Tyung's gaze turned steely, and his voice grew firm. "Jungkook belongs to me, Father. No one is allowed to touch him without my permission."

Imhotep studied his son's face, recognizing the possessiveness in his eyes. "Pharaohs often times get possessive of those they hold dear or see important. I will recall the offerings. Your wishes shall be respected."

Tyung's grip on the cup relaxed, "no need, I'll recall them myself"

"Why, son, does this servant Jungkook hold such significance in your eyes? Is he truly worth your favor?"

Tyung, his tone cold and wary replied, "He possesses qualities that intrigue me, Father. His intelligence and loyalty have proven invaluable. It is a mere appreciation for his abilities."

Imhotep, his eyes sharp and calculating trailed off, "Mere appreciation or... is there something deeper, something you hesitate to admit?"

Tyung widened his eyes, his voice sharp as he replied, "I do not share my personal matters, Father. Do not pry where you are not needed."

Imhotep with a knowing smile nodded, "Very well. But remember, in the game of power, emotions can be both a weapon and a vulnerability. Be cautious."

with that, Tyung got up and left the room.


The air in the opulent bathing chamber was thick with the heady scent of perfumes and the soft melodies of harp strings.

Intricate mosaic tiles adorned the floor, reflecting the warm glow of oil lamps that flickered around the room.

Beautiful men and women, scantily clad and adorned with jewels, cavorted in the water or lounged on marble steps.

Tyung stormed towards the bath chamber, his footsteps echoing through the palace halls like thunderclaps.

His jaw clenched, eyes ablaze with a fierce determination.

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