Facing the Lies

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AN: In honor of the my favorite guys winning the Stanley Cup last night I decided to update again.

Anna's jaw dropped open when she saw his face there on the screen, she felt like the air had just been knocked out of her lungs by a semi truck. All the whispering when she came in this afternoon was not of her imagination like she had thought. They had known about this secret and she felt like a fool for believing this could have turned out any other way.

"Lou can I please leave for the day... I know we have the broadcast but..." she was saying until he cut her off.

"Don't worry about the broadcast, I got it handled." He said as he stood up from his desk and walked towards her. "I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you this... I honestly thought you knew." He said putting his hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her at least a little. "I have no intentions of putting this story out there but I can't promise no one else would, in fact I think it's already in the papers."

"What story?" she asked shaking her head at him. "Don't they need some kind of proof before they could just put this out there like that?"

"Arianna there are pictures of you two together, I know it doesn't sound like much but the player's private life is public and people like to hear about them. That coupled with your social status has made this a hot topic, Jonathan Toews is not one known to date a lady with a name already made for herself like other players are. He normally goes for the low key ones." Lou said and she nodded at him. "Take the rest of the day off and I'll see you back here on Sunday."

"Thank you." Was the only thing Anna could say to him as she walked away.

Anna grabbed her purse and walked out of work, while she waited for a cab she stood there debating on whether to go to his place or back to her hotel. When the cab arrived she decided to just get it over with and had the driver take her to Jonathan's place. The feeling she had about something crashing her happiness had just happened and she was upset and at the same time mad as hell. Anna had the driver make a quick stop on the way so she could pick up the newspapers to check if anything was in them and sure enough a couple of them had a story about them in it with a different picture in each. Once Anna was at his building she paid the cab driver then handed him the papers only keeping one and went inside.

Rodger was surprised to see her back so soon, he knew she had to work and that she shouldn't have been back yet because the nine o'clock news hasn't aired yet.

"Everything ok with you, Lynn?" he asked in a concerned voice.

"Not anymore." She said as she walked passed him.

Rodger was not happy with her response and the tone in her voice, when he saw her get on the elevator he called up to Jonathan's condo knowing he only had moments before she would be up there. "Mr. Toews, Lynn is back and on her way up... she seems to be upset about something." He said when Toews answered his call.

"Ok... thank you." Toews said sounding confused, he walked over to the door and opened it just as the elevator opened. "Hey what's going on?" he asked when he saw the angered looked on her face.

"I just need my things." She said walking pass him and into the condo, on her way up she had decided not to bother fighting with him. She was just going to get her things and leave. "Then I'll be on my way."

"Wait... why are you upset?" He said closing the door and turned to face her but she wasn't looking at him. Anna was too busy gathering the few things that she left out of the bag. "Lynn, would you look at me and tell me what the hell is going on?"

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