A Stressful Season

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The last seven days the guys were gone felt like an eternity, Anna couldn't wait until she was able to wrap her arms around Jonathan again. Elina had stood with Anna the whole time even though she was doing much better. The two ladies had become closer friends over the time they spent together. Niklas had called Elina and told her he would pick her up from Anna's when they arrived in the morning so she had spent the last night there again. The two ladies were sitting in the living room laughing when her front door opened up and Niklas, Daniel and Jonathan walked in.

"Man it feels good to be home again." Carcillo said as he dropped his bag on the floor and went to the kitchen while talking over his shoulder. "Morning ladies."

Anna jumped to her feet and lunged into Jonathan arms as she wrapped her legs around his waist and he kissed her deeply as he wrapped his arms around her. "I missed you too... I can get used to coming home to this." He said with a light laugh as he pulled back slightly. "I see you're feeling better."

"What gave you that idea?" Elina said with humor in her voice as she held onto Niklas.

"Why didn't I get a greeting like that?" Niklas said looking down at her.

"You'll get your greeting when we get home." She said as she placed her hand on his chest and Niklas' eyes went wide.

"We will see you guys tomorrow, I need to get Elina home." Niklas said pulling her towards the door.

"Nik I need to get my bag." She said trying to pull away but he wouldn't let her go.

"We can come get it tomorrow." He said smirking at her.

"Enjoy yourself." Jonathan said smirking at them.

"Call me when you two come up for air." Anna said to Elina as Nklas waved bye and pulled her out of the condo.

"Are you two staying here or leaving?" Carcillo asked coming out of the kitchen with a bottled water.

"We are leaving." Anna said looking over her shoulder at him. "Is Lydia coming over?"

"Lydia and I are done." Carcillo said dropping himself on the couch and turned the TV on.

"What happened?" Anna asked as Jonathan placed her back on her feet and she walked over to sit next to him on the couch.

"She got too damn clingy for me... Anna you know me I can't deal with that kind of shit." He said smirking at her.

"I know, I saw that coming." She said getting up from the space next to him. "I'm going to get some clothes together."

Jonathan sat down next to Carcillo. "How long do you think Anna's parent are going to stay mad at her?" he asked looking over at Carcillo.

"Man I don't know, they never fought like this... that I can remember." Carcillo said as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Anna got pissed at them a few times and took off to Leslie's for a few days but was back at home once her dad called her."

"Leslie said when Anna first moved to Chicago she didn't talk to her parents for a few months." Jonathan said leaning back against the couch. "I don't want to be the reason her parents disown her."

"Jon, Anna loves you... she doesn't do that shit halfway, if her parents can't accept you she won't talk to them." Carcillo said as he leaned back and looked over at Jonathan. "If they don't talk to each other by the end of the season... this is going to be insane idea but you need to go to New York and talk to her father and try and make things right because her stubborn ass won't."

"Why should I wait until the season is over?" Jonathan said sounding confused.

"Because the team needs you and if Mark kills you we're screwed." Carcillo said with a humorless laugh. "Bro That man is a lunatic when it comes to his girls. Let's just hope he talks to her soon and you won't have to go on the suicide mission."

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