Close Encounters

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It's been a month since Kane had left and Anna has been covering the lockout with Lou. Anna has watched in the background how Jonathan has done all he could to keep the guys that were still in Chicago working out and staying shape. Jonathan arranged for them to have ice time at Johnny's and even gathered the money from everyone to pay for it themselves. Watching him take charge like that explain why they all called him Captain Serious. The more she had to cover this lockout the more she began falling for him again.

Anna had gotten in touch with Seabrook to see what he had wanted and was surprised when he invited her over to have dinner with him and his new wife Dayna. The three of them had a great time together and Seabrook was happy that Dayna and Anna had hit it off really quick and were on the fast track to being good friends. Anna was cleaning up her condo when she heard people out in the hall, she knew Kane was gone and she wasn't expecting company. Anna listened by the door but couldn't make out the voices and it sounded like it was a few people out there but they sounded like they were closer to Kane's door than hers.

Being cautious she grabbed her phone and opened the door to see what they were doing by his door, seeing only their backs she spoke up to let them know she was there."No one is there what do you want... I'll relay a message to him." She said crossing her arms over her chest.

"How do you plan on relaying that message if you don't have my number." Kane said turning to face her with a grin on his face.

"I thought you were going to Switzerland." Anna said shocked to see him. "What are you doing here?"

"Wow Pat you were right she is hot in person." One of the guys with him said.

"Remember I told you guys she was off limits." Kane said glaring at him and Anna was surprised by his comment and wonder why he said that to them. "Arianna these are my buddies from back home." He said gesturing to them not bothering with names. "Adam Burish called me and asked if I wanted to play in the charity game they are hosting here in Chicago then I'm going to Switzerland after that... thanks for keeping an eye on the place."

"No problem, a couple of different girls managed to sneak up to the floor a few times but other than that it's been pretty quiet around here." She said smiling at him. "You really shouldn't bring your one night stands home so often."

"I'll try to remember that." He said smiling back at her and she turned to go back in her place. "Arianna are you going to cover the game."

"No, Lou gave me the day off but I'll be there." She said looking at him over her shoulder. "Dayna asked me to go with her to cheer Brent on."

"Cool, see you there tomorrow." He said as he opened his door and went inside.

Kane was shocked to hear Anna was going to the game with Seabrook's wife, he had no idea they were friends and wonder how much he missed since going back to Buffalo. He had told his friends that Arianna Westbrook lived next to him and they argued about who was going to hit on her first but he made sure to let them know she was off limits. They were his friends but he knew his best friend had a thing for her even if he didn't want to admit it himself. The last thing he wanted was Toews pissed at him because his friends were hitting on her.

The next morning Anna woke up and went for a morning jog along the lake front, she always refused to take cab to where she liked to run so she always got a couple extra miles having to run there from Trump tower. Her path always took her right pass Jonathan building but Anna always pushed herself to go faster when she would come closer to it then after passing under Lakeshore Drive she would slow to a walk to regain her energy. It was only five in the morning so she wasn't expecting to have a lot of people out and that was perfect running time so she could clear her thoughts.

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