Gaining a Friend

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The two of them did the interview right there in the hall covered in Ketchup. Anna got to ask him all her questions, Seabrook was enjoying himself so much he convinced Anna to even let him interview her on camera about what it was like to get doused with ketchup by crazed fans.

"My turn." Seabrook said grabbing the mic from Anna's hand.

"You're going to seriously do this?" Keith asked between laughs.He smirked at Keith while nodding his head.

"Ok, you introduce yourself and who you're interviewing then start your questions." Anna said walking him through it and he was nodding his head as she spoke to him, Anna couldn't believe she was agreeing to do this. "Ok, Mike will silently count you down and when he hits one you start."

"Got it." He said smiling at her as he watched Mike mouth the numbers. "This is Brent Seabrook of the Chicago Blackhawks; I'm here with Arianna Westbrook." He said into the camera trying to keep a serious look on his face while Shaw made faces at him, he turned towards Anna with a huge smile on his face. "Arianna let's talk about your time in Chicago and how it's treating you." He said trying not to laugh. "How do you like being in this beautiful city?"

"I love it, New York is wonderful but Chicago is very interesting." She said smiling at him.

Seabrook and Anna just about laughed through the whole interview he did with her along with the guys that stood there watching them. Coach Q came walking in when Seabrook was playing his role as a reporter and stood there watching them but had never said a word he just shook his head when they were done and walked away mumbling something about kids these days being something else.When it was time for her to close out the segment Brent stood there randomly pinching her in the side and she was trying her hardest to keep a straight face while Shaw stood behind Mike making funny faces at her and Brent. Anna couldn't hold a straight face between the two of them and did the best she could.

Once Anna and her camera man Mike wrapped the segment he went back out to the truck while Seabrook showed Anna to the locker room to get cleaned up. Some of the guys had already gone out to the ice and Seabrook gave her one of his shirts from his bag because he knew the white blouse she had on was completely ruined. Anna accepted the shirt and followed him to the shower area to change and wash up what she had in her hair and on her chest.

"I'll hang out here and make sure no one comes in." Seabrook said as he showed her where to go, she nodded at him and went in.

Anna walked over to one of the counters and laid the shirt down while she grabbed one of the wash cloths that was laying there. She removed her shirt and just tossed it in the trash, there really wasn't any point in trying to clean it Anna knew it was ruined. She stood there in her lace nude bra and black slacks cleaning her hair out in the sink then she wiped the ketchup off her neck and chest. She looked down at the sink to rinse the wash cloth out and when she looked up in the mirror again Jonathan was standing behind her, she quickly turned to face him with a shocked look on her face.

Toews was in most of his pads and was about to put on the rest of it when he realized he had forgotten his shower bag in the shower and had gone to get it. When he walked in there his eyes landed on Anna standing there rinsing something in the sink with her top off. When she turned to face him he felt like he was ready to lose his shit, the way her wet hair laid on her bare shoulders slowly dripping and wetting the lace bra she was wearing was driving him crazy. All of the guys had forgotten she was still in there and when he looked over towards the shower Brent wasn't standing there anymore.

"Where's Brent?" she asked in a soft voice as she looked over towards the door.

"I don't know, Arianna I'm sorry I snapped like that earlier." Toews said in low voice as he stepped closer to her. "Are you ok?"

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