Happiness... Love... Fear... Anger...

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The four of them went to a nice Italian place for lunch, Jonathan got them a private area to sit in so they wouldn't be bothered by anyone. Things had started off nicely and everyone held small talk surrounded by hockey. Andrée didn't say much to Anna but she didn't completely ignore her, it was Bryan that decided it was time to really get to know Anna.

"Anna are you from Chicago?" Bryan asked in soft voice as he took a drink from his glass.

"Honey you can't be a New York Socialite if you're from Chicago." Andrée said to her husband as she took a bite of her food, both Jonathan and Anna looked at her with shock faces and Bryan shook his head at her. "Arianna is from New York... am I right?" she asked looking over at Anna.

"Um... yes, I moved to Chicago a year ago." Anna said in nervous voice. "I can explain the whole Socialite thing."

"No need to explain anything, I know what it means." Andrée said shaking her head. "It basically means they don't do anything with themselves other than party all the time."

"Mom you said you wouldn't do this." Jonathan said in a pissed voice.

"Jon just relax." Anna said in low voice to him as she placed her hand on his forearm. "I know what the perception of a Socialite is to someone that has not had the unfortunate title given to them. My father's reputation and connections in the city of New York placed that title on me and my sisters but by no means do we abuse it to our advantage or party all the time."

"You have sisters?" Bryan asked.

"Yes I have one older sister and two younger sisters." Anna said smiling at him.

"Why is it that it's only your face that is all over the tabloids and not any sisters?" Andrée asked sounding truly curious.

"My older sister Trisha has always been the shy one and because I was the outgoing one my father always volunteered me to do most of the events even though I didn't want to do them and my little sisters are just ten and thirteen." Anna said with a small smile. "They know about all four of us but because it's my face out there most of the time they tend to just focus on me."

"There were stories about you getting into trouble, I even read something about you being in Canada I believe it was King City."

Before Anna could say anything Jonathan spoke first. "What she did before now and in King City has nothing to do with the person she is now." He said shaking his head at his mother. "We all have a past and we can't or shouldn't be judged by that. Mom if you know so much about Anna already why did you think she would be after my money?"

Anna couldn't believe what she had just heard and she stood there quiet as Jonathan argued back and forth with his mother. There was no denying it Anna knew Jonathan's mother didn't like her and the woman didn't hide it either. When Andrée told him about knowing what happened back in April and blamed Anna for her son being upset, Anna couldn't take it anymore. She got up from her seat and everyone stopped arguing and looked up at her.

"Jon, I gotta go." She said looking down at him and he quickly stood up. "I'll see you tonight after the game."

"Anna don't leave." He said grabbing her hands to hold her there.

Anna pulled her hands out of his and he was shocked but she settled his nerves a little when she cupped his face with both of her hands. "Jon, I'm going to catch a cab home, you stay here with your parents." She said leaning up on her toes and softly kissed his lips. "I love you and nothing will change that."

"I love you." He said smiling at her. "Babe let me take you home."

"No Jon, you stay here and I'll see you tonight."

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