Knowing What the Heart Wants

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Anna knew what Daniel had told her was right, she needed to take a step back and breathe a moment. The only thing is she knew being so close to Jonathan was not going to help, so the next morning Anna called Lou and asked for a little time off. While she sat there trying to figure out what to do with herself there was a knock at her that brought her out of her thoughts.

"Who is it?" she asked walking to the door.

"It's me." Kane said loudly.

"Hey what's up?" she asked opening the door.

"I got four tickets at will call under Mike's name for tomorrow night's game." He said smiling at her.

"I forgot all about that, thanks Pat." She said smiling back at him.

"Not a problem, are you still going to be reporting tomorrow even if your crew won't be there?"

"I'm taking some time off so I won't be around for a while."

"Anna what the hell are you talking about?" Kane said leaning against the doorway. "Are you taking time from work or Chicago?"

"Chicago... I'm going to go back to New York for a few weeks, pull myself together and get my head back on straight."

"You're going to come back right?"

"Yes, if I leave Danny in this place alone too long I will come back to a total bachelor pad." She said smiling as he laughed. "With you across the hall will also mean every slut on God's green earth will know what the inside of my place looks like."

"Does anyone know you're leaving?" he asked in a soft voice.

"Not yet and can you please not tell anyone... let me do it, I have lunch with Dayna today." She said pleading with him and he smiled at her.

"Anna, I'll keep my mouth shut." Kane said standing up straight. "Just don't go to New York and decided Chicago isn't worth coming back to."

"Pat I could never do that, Chicago has too many wonderful people here to leave behind... including you." She said smiling at him and he chuckled at her. "I mean it, you maybe egotistical at times but you're fun to be around."

Kane went back across the hall to his apartment and Anna closed her door, telling Patrick she was going to New York was how she had made that decision. She honestly didn't know how long she was going to be there for but she didn't lie when she said she would be back. After lunch with Dayna Anna felt like she was headed in the right direction. Dayna had agreed with Carcillo and said she did need to take a step back to figure things out.

Anna left that evening back to New York and Trisha was excited to have her sister around to help with the wedding plans. Anna threw herself right in with the wedding planning to keep herself busy, she did keep track of the games while she was away. The longer she was in New York the more she missed Chicago, being in New York she was thrown back in the paparazzi radar and she had them following her everywhere questioning her about Jonathan and her life in Chicago. Surprisingly it didn't bother her like it used to and she took that as a good sign. Trisha's wedding plans were hectic and one of the biggest buzz around the city but the two ladies were enjoying themselves.

"Anna tomorrow is Valentine's Day, do you plan on spending it alone?" Trisha asked as they sat down for lunch. "Don't act like I don't see you at night looking at his picture."

"Trish I'm not... ok fine I miss him and I want him but I can't just show up on Valentine's day and be like I love you."

"Why the hell not?" Trisha said shaking her head. "Arianna you have been here for three fucking weeks and even though I love having my sister around, I rather you be happy and I can tell Jonathan Toews does that." She said smiling at her sister. "Just hearing his name makes your damn face light up."

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