Love Sick

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When Anna hang up her phone she stood there just staring out into space, her father reacted the way she thought he would but she was hoping he would have at least given her a chance to explain. Once her day was over Anna went straight home to her condo, when she got there the place was empty and she was thankful because she just needed to sit alone and think things through.

After going into her room and changing into some comfy clothes Anna went back into the living room and slid her overstuffed chair towards the floor to ceilings wall of windows. She curled up on it looking out towards the lake and busy city ahead of her. She loved her parents and sisters and would have done anything to make them happy but she loved Jonathan too much to give him up for the sake of saving her relationship with her family. Anna felt like she was being pulled into different directions and wished someone had the answers for her. Anna laid there until she fell asleep curled up in the chair.

Jonathan was having a hard time forgetting what had happened, that wasn't the most romantic way of asking someone to marry you but it wasn't exactly planned. The thought of asking Anna to be his wife had been on his mine for a while now he just wasn't sure of how to do it and now he felt like he ruined it. Jonathan sat in his stall at Johnny's Ice House spacing out after he removed his skates.

"What's up with you today Tazer?" Seabrook asked sitting down next to him.

"Seabs when you asked Dayna to marry you how did you do it?" Jonathan asked looking over at him.

"I had planned a romantic dinner back home." Seabrook said looking over at him with a confused look. "Jonny are you planning on asking Anna?"

"Not anymore... I think I fucked that up last night."


"I asked her last night but the timing of it just wasn't right." Jonathan said running his hand down his face.

"Ok..." Seabrook said sounding extremely confused. "Jonny did she say she didn't want to marry you?"

"It wasn't like that, we were talking about something and it came up in the conversation and I just blurted out we should do it."

Seabrook dropped his head back against the stall and sighed loudly. "I am absolutely positive you made it sound like it was the heat of the moment." He said shaking his head and Jonathan just nodded his head once. "Women want romance and unexpected... get a ring and once she forgets your bone head move and she isn't expecting you to ask you drop to your knee and ask again."

"That's it I just drop to my knee and ask... how do I know when to do it?"

"You'll know but get the ring first so you have it when it's time." Seabrook said smiling at him.

"Thanks for the help Seabs." Jonathan said smiling as he pulled his phone out. "I'm going to call and see if she's home yet."

Carcillo and Toews both tried to call Anna's phone multiple times and she didn't answer, Jonathan was worried about her so he had Carcillo meet him at the condo so they could check if she was home. When they walked in the place was quiet and they noticed one of the chairs was moved over to face the window. Jonathan walked over to the chair and found Anna curled up on it sleeping. He glanced up at Carcillo with a questioning look and Carcillo just shrugged his shoulders looking a little confused himself.

"Anna." Jonathan said softly as he caressed her cheek and slid the hair back from her face. "Babe wake up."

Anna shot up in the chair causing both men to jump back a little in shock and she stared at them with wide eyes. "Anna what's wrong with you?" Carcillo said with a very concerned voice.

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