All He Ever Wanted

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The few days they had off everyone got the well deserved rest they all needed. Coach Q only had practice once during their time off, that was something Anna liked about Coach Q... he didn't over work his guys knowing the condensed schedule was enough stress on their bodies. Anna slept most of the little break but Jonathan didn't complain because he wasn't needed out of the bed either so he was right next to her sleeping.

The beginning of playoffs wasn't too bad, the Hawks knocked the Wild out in five games but the Red Wings were proving to be a tough team to beat. It has been six games and they we tied three games apiece, so they were going into game seven. Anna had been feeling a bit off for the last couple of months and decided it was time to go to the doctor.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Jonathan asked as he watched Anna get dress from his spot on the bed.

"I'm good." She said walking over to sit down next to where he was propped up against the headboard. "I'm going to meet Dayna and Elina for brunch after I get out of there."

"Tell the ladies I said hi." He said smiling as he leaned forward and kissed her lips softly.

"I will... you just get some rest because tomorrow you have a big game and my superstar needs to be on top of his game." She said smiling at him.

"Anna, I've only scored once since playoffs started." He said shaking his head at her. "I highly doubt I'm a superstar right now."

"Jonathan Toews." Anna said in a stern voice as she climbed over his legs to straddle his lap and placed her hands on his face to keep him from turning away from her. "You will always be a superstar to me even if you don't get any goals... the plays you make help set the team up and that is what matters."

"I just feel like I'm not producing like I should be." He said placing his hands on her hips. "I'm the captain and it took me ten games to get one damn goal."

"But you have three assists on the other goals, the team is doing good and you have a lot to do with it so stop beating yourself up." she said leaning forward and kissed his lips softly. "I love you Babe."

"Love you too." He said smiling at her. "Get going before you're late." He said leaning forward and kissed her once more.

"Ok... get some rest and I'll see you when I get back." She said climbing off his lap as he nodded at her.

Anna left for doctor's appointment and Jonathan went back to sleep. On her way she called her sister to see how things were going with the wedding plans because she hadn't been able to help much. Anna was dreading Trisha's wedding only because she had not talked with her parents since they found out about her being with Jonathan again. Trisha had tried many times to get Anna to call them but she had refused to do it. When she got to her appointment she hung up with Trisha. The doctor ran a few tests on Anna and she was sitting in her office waiting for the doctor to come back in with the results of some of the easier ones they didn't have to wait long on.

She sat there on her phone going through her emails when the doctor came back in. "Arianna I got a few of the results in." she said and Anna looked up at her as she sat down behind her desk. "Everything looks good, most of your test came back clean but there is a very good reason why you have been feeling off lately... Arianna you're pregnant."

Anna's eyes went wide and she wasn't sure if she had heard the doctor right, it took her a moment to find her voice. "Did you just say I'm pregnant?" she said in a slow stunned voice.

"Yes, from my calculation it looks like you're about eight weeks... give or take a week." She said smiling at Anna.

"How could this happen?" Anna said still sounding stunned. "I've been on birth control all this time... how can I be pregnant?"

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