Car Bomb

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Anna and Burish arrived at Rockit where the guys had all planned on meeting at, he led her in and was steering her towards the bar to get drinks before they went to where the other guys were sitting. Toews was sitting there with Kane when he spotted Anna walking in with Adam Burish next to her. Adam knew Anna had thing for Toews but a little harmless flirting wasn't going to hurt one bit, he kept saying sweet nothings to her the whole ride there but all she did was laugh them all off.

When they walked in Adam leaned in to whisper to her again. "Anna let's pretend I'm Johnny and you're Baby and do some dirty dancing."

"Adam, stop being an idiot." She said laughing and he grinned at her.

Toews watched as Burish leaned in close towards Anna and had said something that caused her to laugh while smacking at his arm. What pissed him off more was he watched as Daniel Carcillo snuck up behind Anna then pulled her away from Burish and preceded to spin around with her in his arms while saying something in her ear.

Anna walked with Adam to the bar and just before they got to it she was pulled away from him shocking her but the voice she heard in her ear brought a huge smile to her face. "Anna Banana... the car bomb is about to explode." Daniel said pulling her back against his chest then he spun them in circles as she held on tight to his arms.

"Danny stop before you make me dizzy." She said as she started smacking his arm. "Daniel Carcillo put me down now." Adam was about to flip out when Carcillo grabbed Anna but the smile on her face threw him off and he wasn't sure what the hell was going on.

Carcillo was laughing as he placed Anna back on her feet, Anna turned to face him and he pulled her in for a bear hug. "What the hell are you doing here with Burish?" he said in a playful voice grinning at her as he let her go and nudged her shoulder.

"How the hell do you know Carcillo?" Burish said in a shocked voice before Anna could answer Carcillo's question.

"Danny and I have known each other since I was eight." She said smiling at him and Carcillo nodded with his own grin across his face. "My best friend Leslie Carcillo is his cousin... I found out you play for Chicago a few months ago, you were a fool on the ice today." She said turning back to face Carcillo.

"I had no idea you were here or I would have come back sooner." He said shaking his head at her.

"The Carcillo and Westbrook train wreck would not have been any good on this city, I remember what we all did in King City."

"I think they're still trying to recover from that fiasco, if I'm not mistaking we are still banned from a couple of those bars." He said laughing and Burish couldn't wait to hear that story. "It took me an hour to explain the difference between a slap shot and wrist shot to you a couple of years ago and now you're hanging out with hockey players." Carcillo said shaking his head at her. "Mark must be shitting in his pants right now."

Carcillo, Burish and Anna stood there talking with each other while the rest of the guys watched them wondering what the hell they all missed and how she knew him. Kane could tell Toews was pissed and he wasn't sure what to say to him because Anna had never mentioned knowing Carcillo to anyone and by the way the two of them leaned close to each other or smiled they had to have known each other long. When they started walking towards them Kane could feel the tension rolling off Jonathan as they watched Carcillo drape his arm around her shoulders. Toews quickly stood up and walked away glaring at her.

"What the hell is Toews problem?" Carcillo asked looking over at Kane then at Anna. "Anna what am I missing here?"

"Wait a minute." Kane said standing up from his chair. "Carcillo can call you Anna but you won't let me?"

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