Chapter 6

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(Everyone' s attention was diverted towards Fakhir in the corridor because of him shouting)

Ahemad: (Pulls Fakhir) Fakhir can you calm down..Why are you shouting..Everyone is looking at you..

(Fakhir pulls away from Ahemad walks towards Aeniy and Hamza and stands Infront of Aeniy )

Hamza: Fakhir whats up? What do you want...?Why are you here..

Fakhir: I am  here to talk to Aeniy..Not you...( looks at Aeniy, ignoring Hamza's existence)

(Aeniy in complete shock)

Fakhir: Aeniy the classes have been called off since vacation starts from tomorrow..Lets go home...(grabs Aeniy's hands)

Hamza: Dude have you lost it, why would she go to your house??? Where are your  senses, Is this the way you speak to stranger.. that too a girl..Don't you know how to talk to a girl? And leave her hand..

Fakhir: Who told you she is a stranger to me? What right do you have to question me...She is my..(furious)

(Aeniy interrupts him)

Aeniy: Cousin..Me and Fakhir are cousins Hamza, I will leave now..See you after the summer break..Fakhir..come on (pulls Fakhir)

(Aeniy and Fakhir in car)

Aeniy: Fakhir!! What was that? What was wrong with you ..Why did have to be so rude to Hamza...

Fakhir: Why..Why do you have to be so close to him? Why do you  have to treat him the same way you treat me..(frustrated)

Aeniy: Fakhir..He is my friend..Of course I will care about him..What is wrong with that? You are friends with Amna too right? What  exactly is the problem here? I really don't understand..(annoyed)

Fakhir: Amna and me are just friends, are you  naïve Aeniy or Are you blind? You think he considers you as a friend? He likes you Aeniy.. whole school can see it, why can't you? (irritated)

Aeniy: Stop making things up Fakhir,There is nothing like that, Hamza is just a good friend who helps me a lot..And  we both know You and Amna are not just friends..(with a hinge of sadness) So please do not question me..Please Fakhir..Youwere the one who decided that will be strangers in school..Its better if we stick tothat..

(Faakhir does not answer goes quite and both of them drive home in complete silence)

Fakhir's Pov( I was furious..Without thinking, I went to pick Aeniy..don't know what was going on in my mind all I know I hated seeing Aeniy with Hamza..Knowing Hamza liked her made me feel anxious, Blood rushed through my veins..I myself don't know what this feeling is, And Aeniy was right.. Although me and Amna had broken up..we both cared for each other the same way like when we were in a relationship..I had no answer for her, why  was I irritated, furious when I saw her with Hamza..My whole mind was in a complete state of confusion..I was lost without any answers..)

Aeniy's Pov( I was so shocked when Fakhir came and stood in front of me..Even more when he spoke to me..When Fakhir was about reveal that what we were, to Hamza..I panicked cause as far as I know Fakhir really cared about what people perceived about him in school..he really was concerned about his image in school which is why we were strangers in I stepped in and handled it by telling Hamza we were cousins..In car I actually mistook for a moment that he actually cared about this relationship and me..But I clearly got to know he will never even consider this relationship or me as anything more than just a huge burden of responsibility he was forced into by his father, when he went quite when I took Amna's name, All my doubts were cleared ..Fakhir has always liked Amna...No matter how much I try..I will never be her..Fakhir will never even see me in that way...(teary eyed) its always going to me, who will care about him and this relationship..Although its going to be hard I will make sure to destroy my feelings for him..I have to... )

(Aeniy and Fakhir reach home, Aeniy rushes into the bathroom so she  can vent out her emotions by  crying without anyone questioning her..Fakhir did not have any idea what was going on in his mind let alone Aeniy's.. he was super confused about his feelings for Amna.. and the feelings when he has when he sees Aeniy with Hamza or any other guy for that matter..Without speaking a word both of them spent the night with Aeniy pretending to sleep and Fakhir trying to get clarity the things that were running in his mind..)

~~Dear Readers!!

I will be taking huge time leaps in the story..Since I want touch more on different stages of their relationship..Hoping you will enjoy it 

Thank You and Happy Reading :)

-RookiAuthor Muktinamjoon~~

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