Chapter 20

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*Next Morning*

(Fakhir gets up first goes down to make coffee for him and Aeniy and comes back to the room sits on the floor right next to the bed so he could see Aeniy sleeping peacefully placing a gentle kiss on her forehead which wakes her up,)

(Aeniy who wakes up trying to comprehend the situation and also coming to terms with what happened last night and tries to move away from Fakhir)

Fakhir:Aeniy...(holds her hands gently and makes her sit towards him on the bed while he was on the floor kneeling down infront of her)

Fakhir: Aeniy..I am sorry..I am so sorry for what you had to go through. I was never the husband or the Father that you and Anaya deserved...

Aeniy: I am sorry, No matter what was going on between us, I should have informed about Anaya, You still are her father, I could not think straight at all back then..

Fakhir: Aeniy..I was so immature to even understand what my feelings were..I have loved you all the while, I was a fool to not understand that and let you go, when you handed the divorce papers to me, my whole existence went numb, Still I did not understand what was going on inside me, my feelings for you were always truthful, I was never able to look into my self and figure it out, I was clouded by the fact the I was forced to grow up because of us getting married..But I could not see that that this marriage weighed you down more than me..I am sorry..( teary) I was a selfish bastard..I am sorry

(Aeniy wipes tears rolling down from her cheeks)

 Fakhir: But now..staying away from you and Anaya, I have realised that I cannot live without you both, You and Anaya were the best things that happen to me..Please Aeniy..don't push me away..I really can't do this anymore...I need you..I need Anaya...Just give me another chance to show you how much I love you..and to be a better Father for Anaya..Please Aeniy..I can not be away from you anymore..Please (pleading on his Knees with tears)

Aeniy: Fakhir..Please..Stop this..I really cannot ,the pain of you leaving me again..It was too much to bear last time..I very well know how wrong I am for you..Iknow you can never love me more than Amna, So please stop..Lets us just continue what we are..parents to Anaya..

Fakhir: Aeniy..What I had for Amna was just a teenage crush..But what I have  for you is fucking LOVE..I love hear that..I fucking love you Aeniy...I know no matter how much you deny it..You love me too..So quit this act and come back to me please....(pleading)

(As soon as Aeniy hear Fakhir's confeesion she kneels down and hugs Fakhir and breaks out)

Aeniy: I love you..I love you Fakhir..Please don't leave me..Please...

Fakhir: a thousand years..I will make up for what I have done the rest of my loving you becoming the man you deserve..I love you with all my heart..Ainey.....Please forgive me..I will make it up to you all my life...( one his knees begging)

(Aeniy cups his cheeks and wipes Fakhir's tears and placing a gentle kiss on his forehead)

Aeniy: Took you long enough Mr.husband( smiles)

(After hearing that Fakhir gets up landing his lips on Aeniy's, It was a passionate kiss, telling her a lot of things with tears streming down both of their faces, Fakhir realses the kiss)

Fakhir: Thank you so much Aeniy...Thank you..I will never let you regret this I promise...Thank you..(place kiss on both of her hands) I love you to the moon and back..(Hugs Aeniy)

Aeniy: I love you too Fakhir...(hugs him Back) Lets become better partners and Better parents together for Anaya and us..

*Six months later*

(Aeniy and Fakhir were back together as a couple...Fakhir did his best  to be a better Husband to Aeniy, their relationship had become strong, they were able to communicte better..Fakhir was the most caring Father to Anaya..One starch on Anaya, he would turn the whole house upside down..)

(A day of Anaya's Vaccination)

Fakhir: Aeniy..Why is Anaya's body warm?( worried)

Aeniy: Its common for kids to feel sick after Vaccination..And what the hell were you doing in the hospital today..You were acting like..It was you who was getting pricked..not Anaya..And Fakhir you were ready to punch the doctor just because Anaya started crying..

Fakhir: Be happy..I did not break his face after he made my little princess cry..

Aeniy: Fakhir..Anaya is not the only kid in the world...And he was just doing his job..

Fakhir: Whatever..( annoyed goes into Anaya's bed and cuddles her while she was sleeping..)

Aeniy: Fakhirr..I am speaking to you...

Fakhir: Shhh!! You will wake her up...

(Aeniy rolls her eyes and Goes and sleeps next to both of them..)

Aeniy: Fakhir..(no reply..finding Fakhir fallen asleep with Anaya stuck to his body..)

Aeniy's Pov( This is such a beautiful sight...I really can't believe that Fakhir is back in my life again..the last six months have been magical...Me and Fakhir have finally been able to give a true meaning to our relationship..And Fakhir really really loves Anaya..He spoils her so much, she is apple of his eyes..And So is Anaya..Anaya just wants her dad all the time now..Since I go to work and Fakhir has decided to stay back and spend more time with Anaya..He wakes up in the morning...Gives her a bath..feeds her breakfast...Drops her to school..Does her homework with her and definitely reads her a bedtime story and tucks her to bed everyday..I could have never imagined Fakhir being so smitten by someone..If anyone thinks Fakhir loves me the most in his life..I would say that is not true at all..Fakhir's heart is occupied completely by our daughter..(Smiles)..Really god has given me the best..Aeniy drifts away to sleep))

With That Two Naïve Teenagers who were perfect for each other, Who were right for each other, Forced together at wrong time..Wounded, Separated, Longed, but yet Found their way back to each other at the right time becoming Better  partners and Parents And....

                                                             Lived Happily Ever After

                                                                       The End.

~~Dear Readers

With That Aeniy X Fakhir, The 'Mayi Ri 'Fanfiction has officially come to an end..

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you guys, your comments and Votes have overwhelmed me..I am extremely thankful to each and everyone of you who chose to ready my work and were constantly present in this journey, I am really grateful..I really enjoyed having you guys on board while writing this work..Please let me know your opinion on this work..Thank you once again

And Until Next Time

Signing off

-Rookieauthor Muktinamjoon~~

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