Chapter 16

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*Family house*

(Aeniy on her bed after putting Anaya to sleep at night)

Aeniy's pov ( Its been two years..I have started working with Hamza..Anaya is so lucky to grow up with such loving grandmothers..Amma and Badi Ammi take so much care about her ..even  the slightest sneeze the whole house turns upside down in panic..Anaya is my day starts and ends with Anaya..getting up in the morning..waking Anaya..getting her ready to school..having breakfast..packing her lunch box..dropping her off to kindergarden, later heading to work..Coming back to her waiting, running into my arms, having dinner together, putting her to sleep..untill night the center of my world is Anaya..But as soon as Anaya drifts into sleep..My mind goes back to him..despite of everything he has done to me..My heart longs for him..I have tried so hard not to give in to him..not to reply back to him..I guess my strength comes  from the thaught of  Anaya..Although both of them have developed a bond as Father and daughter, Anaya is just like Fakhir..she has the same stubbornness, the same tastebuds, the likes and dislikes,..even though Fakhir is seven oceans away, thanks to Badi Ammi, I am too scared to let him again..The pain I left when I got divorce papers ready..I was shattered..I don't think I am strong enough to go through that pain agian..But my heart has never stopped having feelings for him..I have never been able to move on..despite Amma hinting on it multiple times..I still care for him, when I get to know he is fine doing from Badi Ammi..My heart still some what feels at ease..I have learnt to live with my feelings..locking it  deep within me..I am not goingto  let him walk into  my life again and leave whenever he wants..I am never letting him close to me no matter how much he tries...Because I know for a fact he will never love me...I am happy at least he has made efforts to become a better father for Anaya..As far as us, it is never happening, I will still try with almight to stay away form Fakhir..(tears)But god has kind enough to give me a friend like Hamza..Who has been there for me in my toughest times..I am so thankfull for his  friendship..)

(Thinking about all this..Aeniy drifts  to sleep)

(Fakhir on the other hand boards the plane to home,without telling anyone even his own mother ..With a strong will and determination to get his life together..To his daughter who he has been waiting to hold in his arms..To get Aeniy back..To tell her how much he loves her and missed his wife and daughter..)

*Family House*

(Fakhir lands  and heads straight to his home)

(As soon as Fakhir steps in..he is welcomed with mutipe surprised faces..Teary eyes from his mother and aunt..And Anaya running into his arms and him picking her up and hugging her tightly with happy tears streaming down his cheekbones..)

( Anaya  wipes Fakhir's tears)

Anaya: Baba..

Fakhir:hmm( tears rolling down his cheeks)

Anaya: Baba..Why are you crying? Are you a little baby..stop crying you have me..( laughs)

(Fakhir smiles and places a gentle kiss on his daughter's forehead and hugs her back)

Fakhir's Pov( As soon I stepped in.. I was so happy to see Amma and cHachi..I was overwhelmed when Anaya ran into my arms..My daughter ran into my arms..I hugged her tiny body..I have waited for this moment for so long..having my little girl in my arms..I hugged her with all my might..Tears would just not stop flowing..When she called me heart warmed  up a might..this was the first time I had heard her voice in person.,her small palms wipes my tears..I felt my whole body calmed down..I guess this is the beauty of Fatherhood..)

(Sameena goes and hugs Fakhir and Anaya)

Sameena: May god save you both from the evil eyes..Fakhir..I am so happy that you decided to come back..(tears up)

Fakhir: How could I have not come Amma..when My princess asked me to?  Huh?(looking At Anaya in his arms and touching his forehead to her forehead) Right princess?( Anaya happily nods and hugs Fakhir back..) Plus I was missing home a lot..I realized a lot of things when I was there..

Aysha: Thank god..I am so happy to see you and Anaya..Anaya missed you a lot..Now that you are here..She can finally play and spend time with you..( smiles)

Fakhir: Of Course Chachi, All my time is my little princess's now..

Anaya: Really baba..I want to do a lot of thingys with you..( excited)

Fakhir: Whatever you want my baby..your baba will do anything you want..(kisses her cheek)

( After his happy encounter..Fakhir starts scanning the  living room looking for someone..Someone his heart longed for...) 

Fakhir: Amma..Where is (Hesitates) Ae..niy..?(with his eyes down)

Sameena: She will be back from Office anytime now..You go freshen up..Lets have dinner..

Aysha: Ya Fakhir..She will back  with Hamza get freshen up, I will make your favourite Kheer ( heads out to the kitchen)

Fakhir's Pov( Why is chachi so comfortably speaking about that bastard..Why the fuck does he have to drop her (annoyed) ...)

(Fakhir heads to his room.the room he shared with Aeniy..when he was back home)

*Aeniy comes  along with Hamza  as soon as Fakhir leaves to his room*

(Aeniy heads to the kitchen while Hamza waits in  the hall as usual)

Aeniy: Amma..Badi Ammi..where is Anaya? 

Aysha: She must be playing with..(Sameena interupts)

Sameena: Aeniy..How was you day beta..

(Anaya pops out from behind Sameena trying to scare Aeniy)

Anaya: booooooo!!( trying scare Aeniy)

Aeniy: (Who actually gets scared by the sudden action) Anaya..How many times have I told you not to do are becomig a prankster day  by day(picks her up into her arms and starts tickling)

Anaya: Ammma....(  laughs) Put me down..I have a surprise for you..(leads her to their room..The same room that Fakhir was in.. Complete excitement..)

Anaya: Amma..there is a surprise waiting for you in the room..

Aeniy: What is it Anaya?

(Hamza calls for Anaya)

Hamza: Anaya..where are you..won't you say hi to Uncle Hamza..

Anaya: Coming!!!( runs towards the hall)

( As soon as Aeniy enters the room..she sees Fakhir..shocked she stood there dumbfounded)

With that For the first time in a long time..two teenagers who who were forced to be together..found the themselves at the same place where their relationship started and also ended..Will fate be on the right side with the right people..will this be the right time..What will  happen next...Lets see!!!

~~Dear Readers

My apologies for the late update..I was busy lazing around since my finals were over..But I promise to update a long chapter tomorrow..But for now here's a small chapter and do let me know if you want smut chapter or  should I just head straight to the final chapters...Hope you guys liked this chapter...

Thank You and Happy Reading :)

-Rookiauthor Muktinamjoon~~

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