Chapter 13

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(The next two months went in a blink..Aeniy took up her last semester online..While Aysha and Sameena took at most care of Aeniy..While Fakhir cared superficially about everything..Aeniy knew it very well, But she really was helpless..The next day after her final exam..Aeniy went into labour..Due to her weakness and stress about her relationship and her exams..Aeniy almost lost her life while giving birth to her beautiful baby girl 'Anaya')

(After Anaya's birth in the hospital..)

Doctor: (placing the new born in Fakhir's arms) Congratulations Mr.Fakhir...You are blessed with a beautiful baby girl...(Fakhir holds his baby hesitantly)

(Entire family was super happy to welcome the baby girl)

Aysha:(thanking god) Doctor what about Aeniy..?How is she..?

Doctor: God is really great..she almost touched the death's door..But we some how managed to save her..She is fine and both the mother and the baby are in healthy condition...She will wake up as soon as the anaesthesia wears off..

(Aysha holds the doctor's hands and thanks him with tears of joy)

Fakhir's pov( There she was..This tiny little human..I still can't believe that she was  my child and I was her father..She was really beautiful..My arms shivered as I held her for the first time..She was so small, At that point.. I realised one matter how much I denied it..I felt the strong urge to protect and nurture her..This tiny human in my arms was my daughter...regardless of my feelings for Aeniy, the new born was my daughter Anaya..)

(As soon as Aeniy woke up..Fakhir placed Anaya in her arms..placing a gentle kiss on her forehead..while Aeniy tears up holding her new born )

Aeniy's Pov( As soon as Fakhir placed the baby in my hands..A feeling overwhelmed me..Today she gave me purpose, I felt belonged. I was once a girl who was a burden to her father..later a burden to Fakhir, But now I am her mother..A feeling of fulfilment grew within me..Her tiny arms and feet..she was precious. I myself experienced the power of motherhood..Today I promise my little girl that she will be my first priority. I will live for her and with her..I will always protect my daughter and make sure her fate is not like mine.I will be strong for her..)

As time passed by Aeniy decided not to start working until Anaya turns one. Although she graduated with a distinction. Her world revolved around Anaya..While Fakhir cared about Anaya..But his care was superficial. He never wanted to spend time with his daughter..He still wanted to go abroad for his Masters..With time Aeniy and Fakhir had basically stopped talking about anything which was not related to Anaya..Aeniy never expressed her feelings. Neither did Fakhir try to be responsible..

*One Year Later*

* One night*

(Anaya woke up in the middle of the night with  fever..the poor child was burning up and would not stop crying..While all the members in the family were  fast a sleep and Fakhir was out with his friends, Aeniy tried calling him hundred times and he would not pick up )

Aeniy's Pov( I feel so helpless now..My child is crying and I can't do anything to help her..Please god help me..I don't know what to do(weeping) Please show some mercy..)

(Aeniy without knowing what to do..decided to take Anaya to the hospital on her own..For a girl like Aeniy who was scared  to step out of the house alone...It took great courage to go out in the middle of the night..But it was about Anaya this time, her own daughter..Like people say, nothing is more powerful than a mother's love for her child)

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