Chapter 14

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Fakhir's pov(Morning I rushed back home seeing Aeniy's so many missed calls.. Reaching home to see Anaya sleeping peacefully in her crib..I was annoyed and pissed, When I spoke to Aeniy..she did not reply..It annoyed me more..When she finally looked into my eyes..I saw a very unfamiliar strong coldness..Aeniy always looked at me with warmth..That was one thing that I could always tell..But today she had this coldness in her eyes...While I was trying to figure out that..I hear Aeniy telling me she wants to end this relationship...As soon as I heard those words out of her mouth..My whole body went cold..I was not ready to accept what just came out of her..when she repeated the same thing again but much more mouth went dry It almost felt like someone was taking away my breadth from me..I tried so hard to get words out of my mouth..asking her what she was talking about...I did not want to understand her...When she handed me the divorce papers..It felt as though someone was ripping my heart right through my chest..I held her close to me, trying to stop this nonsense that she was doing..But she adamantly went on and on about leaving me...I lost my calm. I could not take this bulshit anymore..The moment she said Goodbye..My brain stopped working..I tried to hold her back with all my might..Then I saw her tears..They were not just plain tears..It had so pain much in much that her tears were piercing my whole body went numb I let her go..My heart almost stopped when my daughter held my fingers..Seeing Aeniy make Anaya forcefully realise my finger and move away with her suitcase..My body was unable to move..All I could do was see both of them disappear right in front of my own eyes)

(Fakhir sits down hugging his knees with tears rolling down his cheeks uncontrollably with the divorce papers in his hands.)

Fakhir's Pov( She left me? I wanted to wake up from this bad dream but  it was a reality..Why am I sad? Wasn't this what I always wanted? Being free from the responsibilities that came attached to this relationship..Why is it hurting so much? Why does it feel like a million needles pricking my heart together..What the fuck are these feelings..Why was she so hurt..the pain in her eyes was so evident. What am I going to do without her and Anaya now? I feel like dying now..Shouldn't I be happy..I have the freedom without the burden of a wife and a child..This is what I wanted..Then why am I not happy when she herself handed over the divorce papers to me..)

(Fakhir cries himself to loose consciousness)

( Sameena who enters his room goes near Fakhir in panic and wakes him up)

Sameena: Fakhir..Fakhir..Are you okay? Get hold of yourself beta..

(Fakhir hugs his mother and cries his heart out)

Fakhir: Amma..I don't know what to do..It hurts so much..Anaya was crying to come into my arms..Aeniy just left giving me this Amma..Amma I feel so lost without her..Amma Anaya..(cries)

Sameena: Fakhir..calm down..Aeniy is not wrong..All of this is your Baba's fault..he pushed both of you into this relation at a very young age, when you had no idea how to comprehend the meaning..(rubbing Fakhir's back)

Fakhir: Amma..I don't know what to do..I don't know who I am..What am I supposed to do..Anaya, my daughter was about to call me Baba..Amma..I feel so defeated..I don't even know where they are..(Cries)

Sameena: Fakhir..I think both you and Aeniy need time to figure yourselves as individuals..You go complete your masters and come..I will make sure Aeniy and Anaya come back and stay in this house..I promise you that..I will make sure Anaya sees you as her bacha..(calms Fakhir down)

*Aeniy in the car*

Aeniy's Pov( (crying) So this it, This is where it all ends..I knew this was how it was going to be, but why does it hurt so much..I have felt hurt countless times in this relationship..But this its not just a hurt..Its painful, In these two years, Fakhir has disappointed me so many times.But why do I still have feelings for him..Will ever be able to stop loving him? Some how I made myself to come out of this relationship..But why is my stupid heart not ready to stop caring for him? Why do I still love him..(wipes her tears)Its not about me this time..Its about Anaya..I cannot let Anaya suffer..My daughter will never go through what I went through. I will make it happen..even if my heart were to be broken in to a million pieces...)

( Aeniy reaches Hamza's doorstep while Hamza's family welcomes her with open arms..Although Aeniy was grateful to them..she wanted to find a job and move to a place of her own..)

( Hamza helps Aeniy finds a job, When she was about to go find houses..she gets a call from Sameena, who invites her to a cafe)

*In the cafe*

Aeniy: Badi Ammi..Is everything alright at home, Are you alright? Is Amma Alright? (worried)

Sameena: Thank god you remember that we are your family too..(teary eye)

Aeniy: Badi Ammi..(trying to frame words)

Sameena: Have you forgotten. You were the daughter of that household even before you married my son? Just because You ended one relationship..that dosen't mean you cut your ties with the entire family...

Aeniy: Badi Ammi..That house does not belong to me..

Sameena: Aeniy when you were born..I was as happy or more happier than your mom..before you were anything to Fakhir..You were and still are nothing less than a daughter..Stop this nonsense and come back home with Anaya..I promise me or your mother or none of the elders will never interfere between you and Fakhir..That is completely left to you guys..

(Aeniy just goes and hugs her Badi Ammi..She felt so lost without her mother and her aunt..Afterall both of them were the only two people who had showed her unconditional love regardless of her circumstances..)

With That Aeniy moves back into her family household while Fakhir gets ready to fly figure what he wanted from his handle his feelings..And come back fresh as a new person so he could be a better Father to Anaya...

~~Dear Readers

I hope its not too cringe..Hoping you guys show the same support  until the final chapters..

Thank you and Happy Reading :)

-Rookiauthor Muktinamjoon~~

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