Chapter 19🔞

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*Later that day*

( Aysha had taken Anaya to spend a night at her mother's house and Sameena was out on a business trip, making sure to leave Fakhir and Aeniy alone , give a final chance for Fakhir to talk and set things right with Aeniy)

*In Aeniy's Bedroom while Aeniy was doing chores Fakhir enters*

Aeniy: Fakhir do you anything? (concern)

Fakhir: What If I said... I need you? (pleading)

(Aeniy freezes)

(Fakhir goes Closer to Aeniy while Aeniy moves away and tries to head out of the room..while Fakhir grabs her hand to stop her)

Fakhir's Pov( I was tired of her avoiding me, yet caring for me from afar, The fact that she never looked me in the eyes was eating me alive yet gave me some hope of her still having feelings for me)

Fakhir: Aeniy..stop..I am tired of this Hide and seek that you have been playing with me( stern)

Aeniy: Fakhir..leave my hand..I have made everything clear with the first day of you being back..(trying hard not to tear up)

(Fakhir pulls her upfront to face him)

Fakhir: Oh ya..fine tell me you don't have feelings for me anymore..(shouts)tell me you don't care about me anymore..Tell me you don't want me in your life..Tell me dam it..(grabs her tighter) I will let you go to Hamza..

(Aeniy musters up all the strength left in her to talk to Fakhir without having a melt down)

Aeniy: (Avoiding eye contact) I don't want you in my life Fakhir.. I have moved on..About me and Hamza..Its none of your concern(tearing up)

Fakhir: Then Fucking prove it..

Fakhir's Pov( I completly lost it, All the feeling I had pent up for the past years came in, I lost my mind and my calm, It was hard enough not to talk to her or see her when I was away, It is much more harder to have her in my sight and not being able to touch her the way I wanted, So I went in without thinking anything)

( Fakhir smashes his lips on to Aeniy's suddenly by pulling her close to him by her waist , forcing himself inside her mouth, while Aeniy struggles to push him away from her by hitting his back..Fakhir grabs her hands locks it behind her give less space for Aeniy to struggle, Aeniy who kissed him for a moment ,comes back to her senses finally pushes Fakhir away from her)

Aeniy's Pov( I tried with all my might to stop what was happening..Fakhir has never forced me into anything, but This time, He was desperate..My body longed for him, my feelings were just as strong as they were before..but there was no way I could let myself slip in this vicious cycle of not being loved by him again so I pushed him)

*slaps Fakhir*

Aeniy: What the fuck are you doing Fakhir!! (shouts)

Fakhir: What the fuck are you doing? Stop fucking lying to my face when you clearly know I can read you like an open book..

Aeniy: I am not lying Fakhir.. Who do you think you are? Why should I answer you!(avoids Eye contact)

Fakhir (pulling her forcefully to him while she was struggling to let herself free from his grip) Your fucking husband, You know what(looking deep in her eyes) You clearly told me again what I wanted to hear, Stop trying avoid me Aeniy..we both know you can't..You avoiding my eyes..made every dam thing clear..

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