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"I am only gonna ask once.  What the heck did you three do?", I asked, dabbing a bee sting on Jerry's arm and then bandaging Yan's scrapped knee. My half-sister, Kayla was drying Gracie's hair with a towel.

Kayla and I were practicing when the Three Tricksters of Trouble (a name so lovingly given by Katie while wiping the shaving cream from her sleeping bag) came running through the green chased by a swarm of bees.

Jerry flinched. "We may or may not have hit their hive after being dared by Gracie."  

"I did not!", Gracie said. "I just wondered if bees would chase us if we steal their honey."

"Correction: convinced us to hit the hive for the honey to cover the...", Jerry hesitated. "...To cover the caramel cupcakes we were going to make for Willow."

I raised my eyebrow. " Like I am going to believe that."

"On our defense, we didn't believe they would chase us half a mile", Yan said.

Kayla giggled. I rolled my eyes. "Sometimes you got to believe Winnie the Pooh, especially when it comes to the topic of bees. Go along and terrorize the rest of the camp."\

The three ran outside, almost knocking the pile of bandages my brother Will was carrying from his arms.

"They are way, way, way worse than the Stolls", I grumbled.

"You don't get to talk", Will chuckled. "I recall trying to convince you to not wipe all the healing cream on the Hermes Cabin's floor 3 weeks ago."

"For the record, the Stolls started it first by stealing all my toffees and replacing them with marbles. I expected them to be the first ones to come inside the cabin after breakfast, not the last."

"What about the time when you dumped flour in the sleeping bags with people still in them, wrote 'Stealth Queen' on Julia's forehead with permanent marker, and covered the floor with sugar?"

I wrinkled my nose. "She gave me a cupcake with salt instead of sugar in it."

"Whatever you say. Willow", Kayla laughed. "Just saying you gave those three a list to get inspired from."

In my peripheral vision, I noticed a corner going darker. Oh boy, Will's gonna not like that. Will's boyfriend shadow-traveled into the room. Kayla and Will flinched.

"Hey, Nico", I nodded my head. "Hey, Willow", he said. "Can I borrow you brother for a bit?"

"Please do. While you're at it, would you like to borrow Will's hoodie to sleep in too?"

Kayla snorted. Will narrowed his eyes. "Have you been giving away my hoodies to Nico without me knowing?"

"Yes, dear brother. For the record, you have too many hoodies. Might as well give them away to your small boyfriend in exchange for sneaking me into the Hermes's cabin too many times."

Nico waved his hand at Will's pale face. "No, your sister hasn't been using my shadow travel. She's smarter than that. I came here because Chiron called all the head counselors to an emergency meeting."

Before following Will, Nico whispered to me. "I'll get the hoodie afterward."

I gave him a thumbs up. 


Oh great, another dream to overthink about now.

I was standing in a room with empty coffins floating around. In the center of the room above a raised dias, an ornate mirror hung. I contemplated whether to go towards it. Usually, you're not supposed to stare at a mirror in a dream. But then again, what would happen?

I stood before the mirror, its glass shining. Instead of my reflection of windblown blond hair and blue eyes, I saw a masquerade mask burning in green flames (Greek flames?).

⟬ My dear beloved...⟭

I flinched. The mask spoke in a low soothing voice.

⟬ My proud and beautiful Sundrop of evil⟭

⟬ You are truly the most beautiful and fairest in the world⟭

Okay...Dear sweet-talking mirror, as much as I love compliments, please don't make Aphrodite smite me into nothing. My personal life is already in shambles thanks to her.

⟬ Mirror mirror on the wall, whose the fairest of them all?⟭

Startled at the sudden voice, I turned back to the sound of hooves and clatter of wood. The room changed, and before me, a carriage led by dark horses stood.

⟬ Guided by the mirror of darkness, if your heart so ever desires, take the hand that reflects the mirror⟭

The mask changed into a hand holding out. I took a step back, but the air around the room shifted. The wind started blowing, carrying disoriented voices. 

⌊ Off with their heads! ⌋

⌊ A shining new era is tiptoeing nearer.⌋

⌊ I'll admit that in the past I've been nasty.⌋

⌊The power! The absolute power!⌋

⌊ Who's the fairest of them all?⌋

⌊  Uh, Guys Olympus would be that way ⌋

⌊ Oh, they're hopeless. A disgrace to the forces of evil. ⌋

My ears popped. A gust of wind almost swept me off my feet. Out of instinct, I grabbed the hand in the mirror.

⟬ We have very little time left⟭

My surroundings went black.


Heys guys! Welcome back to another story. This past year I'd been obsessed with TWST (Probably because I am a Disney fan) and I just finished reading The Chalice of The Gods. So I thought, why not?

 Also yes, I know I have another fanfic to complete. And having a new book idea in your head while trying to finish an old one is....well you know if you know.

Anyway, I hope you like this prologue. I can't wait to write about Willow's journey through the Land of Villains. 

Till the next chapter,


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