Chapter 3

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My would-be stalker emerged from the stone wall like a chameleon. "To think my presence was spotted immediately..."

The first thing I noted about him was his height. If Ace and Deuce were just 'tall', then this guy was humungous. I had to crane my head to look at his face ( Why did I have to be so short?)

 The second thing was his eyes. They were heterochromatic- one eye deep brown, the other lamplike yellow. They were peering into my eyes— strangely alit. I pushed down the urge to shiver and glared right back at him.

 He chuckled. 

"If it is not inconvenient, may I  ask you to inform me of how you recognized my presence?"

I observed a shadow following us since we left the grounds after P.E. It was difficult to know since we were among the crowd. He could have been looking out for anyone. And when we were the only ones left in the hallway, it became clear. He was watching us. That's why I asked Ace and Deuce to leave. To see whether he would follow them or not. 

He didn't. So, that means he wasn't watching all of us; he was watching me.

I scowled. "No."

My answer didn't seem to deter him one bit. It only made him more amused. He bowed down slightly, a hand on his chest.

"My apologies, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Jade Leech, vice-prefect of Octavinelle dorm."

"So what do you want", I cut right to the chase. "Hmm? I do not understand what you meant by that", he tilted his head, eyes glimming. Oh, he definitely knew what I meant. 

I spoke slowly in an attempt to cool down my irritation. "You were following us. Why?"


I frowned. "What?"

"Let's just say a few students are quite curious about why the headmage decided to let a...magically challenged person and a monster attend the school as a student."

"Oh really?", I said in a mockingly sweet tone. "Perhaps you could ask him directly instead."

"Maybe. Maybe not. Sometimes it's best to watch what unfolds and figure it out ourselves. Don't you think so?", he said with a closed-eyed smile. I narrowed my eyes. 

The lunch bell rang in the distance. "Ah. I guess we must be off to other places. It was wonderful meeting you, Miss Willow. I do hope we can speak again", he said. "If you have a chance, please do visit our dorm's Monstro Longue. I'm sure our prefect will be delighted to meet you."

Thanks for the warning. I won't be stepping into the shark tank where you came from anytime soon.

"He might also be able to help you in your current predicament."

Wait, what?


"You actually got us what we wanted?", Ace looked sceptical at the croissant in his hand. "If you don't want it, give it to Grimm and take this nice slice of bread instead."

I bite into my sandwich. It was delicious—but I couldn't enjoy it. My mind was on that guy's words.

'He might also be able to help you in your current predicament.'

Did he know who I was? But how was that possible? The only ones who knew were Crowley, the paintings around school, and the trio sitting with me.

Crowley couldn't have told anything. Even if he accidentally did drop that particular information to the prefects, they wouldn't have cared less. They already thought he was straight-up nuts anyway.

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