Chapter 5

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Three ghosts swished around the room. They had matching hats and worn grey cloaks—that's where the similarities ended.

"Gho-Gh-GHOSTS!GHOOOSTS!", Grimm screeched. I flinched at his harsh tone.

The short chubby ghost snickered at our faces. "All the people who used to live here got scared of us and ran away."

"We just want a new ghost to play with! What do you say, buddy?", The plump one said.

My hands were trembling. Ghosts weren't usually like this. Nico taught me what ghosts were usually like. 

'Be nice and respectful', I could hear his voice. 'You have to be careful about how ghosts approach you. Don't be swayed by their promises. Be careful of manias and evil spirits.'

'Don't give the ghosts the power over you.'

These weren't ghosts like on Earth. This place was different, and followed a set of rules I didn't know. Okay...Stall until I come up with a plan.

"Eeeep!", Grimm screeched. The chubby ghost went through him and cackled. "Are you afraid, little beast?"

"Afraid? Me? The master sorcerer, Grimm! I ain't afraid of any dumb ghosts!", He blew fire at him and missed.

"Master sorcerer?", the lean one grinned. "What a joke! You can't take us down. How can a weakling like you take down ghosts." He disappeared when Grimm sent another fireball at him and reappeared behind him.

"Over here, over here! Show me your lovely skills Master Grimm!", the plump one said.

Grimm sent another fireball toward the ghosts and instead set ablaze a pile of wood.

"Argh! They keep disappearing and reappearing!", Grimm shrieked. 

The fire was spreading. "Stop doing that!", I told him. "You're gonna burn the mansion down!"

"Shut up!", Grimm growled. "I don't need anything from you! I can defeat these ghosts by myself!" 

I flinched as he sent another wave of blue flames toward the ghosts. The fire was spreading faster now. I clamped my nose with my hand as the smoke increased.

Oh gods. Water. I need water.

I pulled a bucket which I had used to stop the rain and splashed it on the flames. It sizzled and went out. I grabbed the buckets in the lounge and hallway and did the same until the worst of the flames were gone.

The ghosts are too busy taunting Grimm. They didn't pay attention to me as I approached the lean ghost and dived at him. He disappeared immediately. I crashed into the wall.

"Hmm? Does the pretty girl want to play too?", he laughed, reappearing in front of me.

I groaned and pushed myself up. Okay. Need a new plan. I was too tired. There was nothing I could do. Physical attacks didn't work. Calling for help wouldn't work either, since Crowley stranded us in the middle of nowhere. 

Grimm was still shooting flames at the ghosts. His energy was going low too. At this rate, we'd both go down.

"Hrmph! Ganging up on us... You're a bunch of cowards!", He grumbled. "Why can't I hit you-hey? HEY! Let me down, human!"

I grabbed him and ran to the lounge, the ghosts behind us. 

"Let me go!", Grimm screamed. "Shut UP!", I yelled. "You want to defeat them? Then, follow my directions."

"I don't need you!"

"Well, too bad. If I let you, you'll burn the house down. I won't do anything, just listen to my instructions. Shoot from your mouth when I tell you to. And keep your eyes closed."

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