Chapter 3

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The red-haired boy shook out of the daze and chanted a spell.


A red collar snapped onto Grimm's neck. "MYAH?! What are you doing?!", he yelped out.

"The Queen of Heart's Rule 23: 'One must never bring a cat to a formal affair.' Your very presence here is a violation of order. You will vacate these premises immediately", he said sternly. 

"But I ain't a cat!", Grimm exclaimed. He wiggled in my arms before I dropped him on the floor. "Ouch!"

"I agree", I said leaning towards him. "He's more of a raccoon if you ask me."

"I AIN'T A RACCOON EITHER!", he screeched. "Never mind, I'll just burn this off...NYAH? Why isn't my fire working?"

"You won't be burning anyone with fire until you're removed from campus. The collar will disappear off then."

"Nice", I grinned. "Whose the magicless one now, raccoon?"

Grimm growled. Crowley lifted him up. "I shall have it expelled from campus, even spare it from being served as dinner", he smiled. "I am so very kind indeed... Someone take it away!"

Not so kind if you ask me. Even for me, that was kind of brutal. I wondered why he was so desperate to attend the school. School's more of a wild jungle-slash-battlefield, than a place where you go and learn. Half a day in the Athena cabin would be so much better than half a day in school.

"Noo! Let me go! You fools remember my name! Cause I'm gonna go down in magic history! Just you wait!", Grimm screeched while being dragged.

Crowley waved his arm. "Well, that was quite the event. I hereby declare that the ceremony concluded. Prefects, please escort your students back to the dorms."His lamp-bright eyes peered into the crowd. "Hmm...Has anyone seen Prefect Draconia anywhere? I don't think he's present."

The guy with animal ears frowned. "And that surprises you? The guy's a total recluse."

"Hmmm..Did anyone even invite him?", the red-eyed boy wondered.

"If that worried about him, maybe you should have told him yourself", the blond male said. The red-eyed boy scratched his neck. "Maybe, but I don't know him too well either..."

'What are they talking about?', I thought. The crowd became restless after hearing Crowley's statement. Whispers flitted here and there. 

Was this Draconia guy such a big deal? A feminine-looking goth boy sighed. "Just as I'd expected. I figured I had come down to see for myself whether Malleus had made an appearance. But once again, he was evidently not informed that his presence was required at an official ceremony."

Once again? Yikes! Are telling me this guy has never been invited to the ceremony in the first place?

"You have my sincere apologies. I assure you, this oversight was in no way intended as a snub", the prefect with glasses said. I recall the floating tablet calling him Azul. The boy who collared Grimm shook his head. "You must admit, he's not exactly the easiest person to strike up a conversation with."

"No matter. All who were assigned to House Diasomnia, follow me. I just hope he doesn't sulk about this", Goth boy said. His gaze flitted towards me for a second. His eyes widened slightly and a small smile formed on his face. 

I narrowed my eyes. What was he smiling about? I lifted my chin, expecting him to say something. He just nodded and passed me without a word. 

Slowly the room cleared out, leaving me, the raven headmaster, and the floating mirror. Crowley clapped his hands slowly. "Well then, Miss Willow. While this has been a most unfortunate turn of events, I assure you will return back. The Dark Mirror will see you safely home."

My brows shot up. The Mirror will take me home? I wanted to laugh. 'Will you take me back home?', I said to the mirror in my mind. Its silence confirmed the truth. 

Dam it.

"Miss Willow?", Crowley asked. "It won't", I said gritting my teeth. Crowley frowned. "The Mirror can send you back if you-"

⟨⟨ There is no such place ⟩⟩, the mirror spoke, cutting off Crowley. "What?", he said in shock. I swore under my breath. 

⟨⟨ There is no place in this world where this soul belongs. None. ⟩⟩

"Liar", I snarled. Crowley flinched at the tone of my voice. I went closer to the mirror. "Stop lying. I don't care what choice was made. You can take me back home and you will."

The face in the mirror stayed expressionless. ⟨⟨ What choice was made shall stay the same. Don't be attracted to the darkness too much, child of light. ⟩⟩

With those frustrating words spoken out loud ( because being spoken into my head wasn't enough) the face disappeared. I tried to steady my breathing, but it came out harsh. 

'Calm down', I told myself. 'You can still go back home.' I turned to Crowley's bewildered face. 

"Does this place have a library?", I asked. "Oh-uh-yes it does", Crowley stuttered. 

"Then lead the way. If your mirror won't take me back, then we find our own way back."


Prologue: Chapter 3 done!

On to the next!

Fairy TSW

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