Chapter 4

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You'd think being in a big gigantic library that could rival Hogwarts would give you some clue about your world and this world's connection. Or at least a spellbook aptly titled 'How to go back to your dimension in 3 Easy Steps!'

Crowley looked exhausted under the pile of books I had gathered. He was first skeptical when I first told him I was from another world. He had taken me to the library, which by the way would have made Malcolm drool by the sheer size of the collection of books.

My dyslexia was murdering my head. I told Crowley I couldn't read much, so I dumped all the major work on him. I sighed and closed the book. 

"Just as I'd suspected. Nothing. Your homeland is not listed on any map from any point in history. Now, are you sure that you come from such a place?", Crowley asked.

I stared at his lamplike eyes. "If you do feel so suspicious why don't you ask your oh-so-darling Dark Mirror? I am from a planet called Earth. I am currently residing in New York, United States for the summer."

"Hmm...But it doesn't explain why you seem to have a dagger if your world is technologically advanced ."

There was no way in heck I was telling him who I was. Who knows if this world even had demigods? I hesitated, before replying. 

"My doesn't have much magic. It's actually a very rare thing for people to have in the first place. It is mostly hidden because it might be too much to handle for some people. And technology doesn't exactly go well with my world's magic, hence the daggers."

My reply didn't seem to shrink his doubts. He pointed at my daggers. "May I ask you where you got it from?"

"My dad", I told him. "It's a family heirloom."

He looked thoughtful for a minute. "I would need more proof than that. Do you have some form of identification, other than the daggers? You do seem a bit...empty-handed."

"I don't know...", I admitted. "I have my daggers and my camp necklace."

He waved his hand. "Well, this is quite the predicament."

He started muttering to himself. "I cannot have someone with almost no aptitude for magic bumbling about my academy. And yet, as an educator, I am loath to expel a young girl without a cent to her name, or any ability to contact her guardian..."

He started to chuckle. "Truly, my grace is boundless." He cleared his throat and got up. 

"There is a vacant building on this campus. It was abandoned as a dorm because of some... weird goings-on. Out of the profound kindness of my heart, I will allow you to live there for the time being. In the meantime, I will investigate other ways to send you back home, Miss Willow."

"How long was it abandoned for?", I asked.

"Not too long. With proper cleaning, it should be....habitable enough."

He started to laugh. "Dear me, I am a gracious man indeed! A model educator, one might say. Well then, I shall take you to your dorm straight away. It is an older building, but it has plenty of...character."

Oh gods, this guy is worse than Narcissus.

I stared at the madman. Gods, I was certain that the Fates hated me if my life was going to be put in his hands. I stared at my reflection on the blade. My hair was in tangles and my eyes were bloodshot. I needed sleep.

I needed to regroup myself.

I was going to regret this one day. Heck, maybe even tomorrow.

I sheathed my dagger. "Sure...Let's go then."

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