Chapter 10

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Crowley stared at as open-mouthed, his lamp eyes blinking. 

"Umm..sir?", Deuce said nervously.

 I waved my hands in front of his face. He didn't notice. "I think he's in shock", I said. "Why?", Grimm asked.

I shrugged. We had come back to the campus via mirror travel, which apparently was the standard way of traveling in this world. You jump into a mirror and hope it takes you where you want it to go. Kinda like shadow travel, but with fewer shadows.

Crowley finally found his voice. "P-p-pardon? Did you say that you actually went to the Dwarfs' Mine in search of a magestone?"

I stared at him, annoyed. We had been here for almost 10 minutes, after explaining that we got a magestone. We were all sore but still standing, because we had to wait for him to say we weren't expelled. And the first thing that came from his mouth was to repeat it all over again.

I sighed. "We did."

Crowley swallowed. "I didn't expect that you'd seriously do it."

"What?", Ace and I said in unison.

"Never in my wildest dreams did I think you would actually return with a magestone!
And here I spent all evening preparing your expulsion documents."

"Huh? Are you serious right now?", Grimm said. "While we were fighting some crazy monster for you, you were expelling us?"

"Well, yes-", Crowley stopped midway. "A monster?"

"Yeah", Ace said. "A huge nasty one. It almost killed us."

 "Would you please elaborate on this story in full?", he asked.

We took turns explaining the fight. After we were done, Crowley went silent for a moment. "Hmmm...So a mysterious monster was living in the mines. And the four of you worked together to destroy it, and bring its stone back to me?"

I nodded. " I don't know if I'd call that 'working together'...", Ace said. "It was more like we just happened to share the same goal at the same time...", Deuce continued.

The head mage then burst into tears. 

What the Hades. 

"What the heck?", Grimm exclaimed. "He bursting tears in public. At his age?"

Crowley was an ugly sobber. He was muttering under his breath.

"In all the decades I've worked at this school...", he hicupped. "I'd never thought I'd see this day! The day when the students of NRC joined hands together to defeat a common foe!"

"Woah! Um, I did not join hands with that guy", Deuce shook his head furiously. "And there was no actual 'joining' of hands either", Ace made a face. "And second of all, how old are you?"

Crowley ignored the question. "I am moved beyond words. This incident has proven that my instincts were correct."

He turned to me, fixating his yellow eyes on me.

"My hopes were right, Miss Willow. For you...", one dramatic pause later. "...You possess the talents of a beastmaster!"

I gasped loudly. "What? No way!"

"Yes, very much so! I-"

"What's a beastmaster?", I asked innocently. Crowley faltered. Beside me, Ace was trying to contain his laughter, but soft sounds of snickering echoed through the room.

"Ah-Um!", Crowley cleared his throat. " The Dark Mirror has always chosen each of my students based on their extraordinary talent and potential. But great talent always creates big egos. Most of them are self-centered that they never even consider cooperating with others."

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