Chapter 1

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This happened so many times, I lost count.

I was back in the room again. He was standing in front of me, the image of perfection. Crisp suit and neatly combed hair. His eyes were ashen-grey, the same color as his hair.

"I heard what happened", there was never kindness in his tone, never for me."It is very disappointing to hear it. I thought after last time, maybe things would be better."

He wanted me to feel ashamed about what I did. Not like Mom who cleaned my cuts and listened to what I said. Not like Will who hugged me tightly and said that guy deserved it. They understood why I did it.

Everyone was about Naomi's twins. A boy and a girl. The boy was a ray of sunshine, his willingness to help everyone around him, they said. Then they whispered among themselves- it was such a shame Naomi couldn't have just one child.

He sighed dramatically. "It's alright", he smiled at me, and I felt the ants crawl up my spine again. The terror of those words filled me. I knew what he was going to do next.

'I will not be afraid', I whispered in my mind, as he took a step towards me. 'I will not be afraid'

But fear still held me by my throat and plunged me into the dark.

I bolted upright on my bed. Cold sweat dripped down my face. I tried to steady my breath, but my hands wouldn't stop shaking.

Dream- it was just a dream.

Dam it. I gripped my hands hard, my nails bit into my skin. Why did that memory pop now? It happened so many years ago. It was a long long-forgotten past. I didn't bother about it since I was ten. So why? Why does it still feel like I was held in the neck, a blade waiting to swing at it?

I got up from my bed slowly. Grimm was snoring in a basket, muttering under his breath. At least one of us has a good dream. I stumbled into the lounge. I searched for the pile of water bottles I had sneaked out from the cafeteria (Crowley doesn't get to say anything, till he gets the plumbing fixed.)

The ghosts were there, floating around with mischievous grins on their faces. The short one was the first to notice me.

"Heeeyyyy!", he drawled. "What's keeping you awake?"

Noticing my pale face, his grin faded. "Nightmares?", he whispered. I picked up the bottle and nodded. The ghost trio was silent till I finished the entire bottle.

"Well, you're awake now. That's what counts!", The chubby one said, taking the bottle from my hands. How did he do that? I stared up at him in wonder. "You want to sit down and talk about it?", the skinny one said.

"No", my response was short. An awkward silence descended onto the room. I knew that they were a bit worried for me, but I'd already rejected talking about my dream. To be honest I don't even-

I sat up straight blinking. "What's wrong?", the chubby one said. "Names", I blurted out. "What are your names?"

They stared at me. I felt my face heating a bit. "I never asked you for your names in the beginning, even after that...uh...night-", I stopped talking. The short one's face was scrunched up. A few seconds later, he let out a big breath (Do ghosts even breathe out air?)

"No one's ever asked for our names before", he said, with a sad smile. "Oh", was the only thing that came out of my mouth. "It's not like they don't care- it's just nobody remembers it", the skinny one said. "We don't remember it ourselves either. Names are too powerful for the undead to keep."

I frowned. Nico told me once that the ghosts in the fields of Asphodel tend to forget their names as they stay longer there, losing their memories, names, and even personalities. These ghosts seemed to still have their personalities. Did they lose their memories partially?

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