Chapter 1

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Instead of waking up in my comfy bed, I woke up to darkness. Cold cold darkness.

Oh no no no no no.

My surroundings were unnaturally dark. Like someone had blotted the entire world with shadows. My eyes started to hurt. My light-sensitive eyes didn't pick up a dam sliver of light.

I was back in the labyrinth all over again. All alone inside that dark dark cavern.

'Stay calm', I told myself. 'This is a nightmare. This is not real. Remember what Will taught you. Deep breathes. In and out, In and out.'

I tried to rub my hands, but it hit something in front of me. It was cool to touch, flat and-oh. Oh. I was stuck somewhere. In of some sort? Slowly, I spread my hands out and felt my confinement. 

'It was like a coffin', I realized, shivering inwardly.

My mind started to work now. I was somewhere, stuck in some place I probably didn't know. In real life. I took a deep breath. 

Okay. I can do this. I'm the Second-in-Command of Cabin 7. If I can lead my siblings, I can break out of a coffin. Before I could even do anything, I heard a voice.

"Dammit...Got to get the uniform while I still can..."

Judging by how loud the voice was, the person was right in front of me. The coffin shook slightly.

"UGH! Why is this lid so heavy..."

They're freeing me. They're helping me. My hands balled into fists and pounded the lid. It opened without a hitch. Light filled my eyesight. 

Ugh! I might be a child of Apollo, but it doesn't mean I can stare at something as bright as the sun.

"Mwahh? You're awake?"

A cat-like monster with black fur stood in front of me. Its tail is tapered into three points like a trident. The most prominent part of it was its ears. Twin blue flames blazed, but it didn't seem like hurting the cat- or it was more like a...


"Huh? Who are you calling a raccoon? I am the Great Grimm ", he said waving his paws. 

Did he

"Never mind that. Gimme your clothes, human!"

Annnd he's a pervert. 

I noticed that my clothes had changed. I was wearing a dark robe, with a hood covering a part of my face. Fortunately, I could feel my clothes underneath, especially the daggers I slept with.

"Hey, I am speaking to you here! Gimme -"

 "You do realize my clothes won't fit you right?", I tilted my head. He looked bewildered at my statement. 

"Who cares? I need those clothes to enter the school!", he shrieked. 

What school? Isn't it summer now?

My fingertips tingled. I had only had a moment to jump back as electric blue flames blew towards me.  Two balls of flames surrounded the cat.

"I told you already, human. Gimme your clothes! Unless you wanna be burnt into crisp-"

With one fluid motion, I swept out my dagger and held the blade to his neck. His eyes widened in fear.

"Where the hell am I?", I asked.

"Oh my", a new voice spoke behind me. "Quite a feisty familiar you got there."

I turned back. A tall man wearing a bird mask stood before me. He had pointed ears and wore a waistcoat and a top hat. He continued to talk.

"I was just thinking how a new student managed to open a step out of the gates. Perhaps your familiar freed you first. "

"Familiar? Why would I'd be the familiar of this weak human? I just wanted the uniform!", Grimm said. 

"Yes, yes. All the rebellious familiars speak like that", he waved his hand and Grimm's mouth was immediately clamped shut. "I suppose coming through the gates on your own may have muddled your memories. To answer your question, You are in Night Raven College, the most prestigious institution of magic in all of Twisted Wonderland. I am Dire Crowley, the head mage of the school."

I just stared at him with open-mouthed shock. 'What is he even babbling about? Night Raven College? Twisted Wonderland? Magic?'

"All students are summoned to campus through a black carriage. I'm sure a carriage must have come to meet you." He tilted his head as if waiting for me to speak.

I finally found my voice. "Yeah...I think so...", my voice was rough to hear. "But sir, I think-"

"Excellent", he cut me off. "For a second I wondered if there were any mishaps in the summoning. We must move fast, you've got a student orientation to attend! Please follow me."

"But sir, I am not a student here. I think there's a mistake."

"Mmfff! Mmmmmmfff!", Grimm said.

He paid no heed to my complaint. Crowley dragged Grimm behind him. 

With no choice, I followed him.


Prologue: Chapter 1 over!

On to the next!

Fairy TSW

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