Chapter 7

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"Yum!", Grimm stuffing his mouth with food. "This tastes so good! I wish I could eat this forever and ever!"

"You can't", I said, wrapping the sandwich paper up. "We still have work to do..."

"Do we have to?", Grimm whined. "I'm already exhausted from a full day of cleaning. I can't believe we gotta wash a hundred windows!"

"If we don't, we'll be homeless", I said. I tried to be upbeat. "Once Ace comes, we'll split the work between the three of us, and we'll be done with it in no time at all!"

Grimm looked at me strangely. "That tone doesn't suit the face you put up there."

 Snarky little raccoon. I stuck my tongue at him. He blew a raspberry at me. 

The clock was ticking and ticking. Ace was still nowhere to be seen. Grimm started to growl. "Where the heck is Ace? To make us wait, after what he did... Grrr!"

Grimm's annoyance was infectious.  In my mind, I had pictured us getting done with the work and heading to the library. Obviously, that wasn't going to happen. The clock struck five. I gritted my teeth and grabbed Grimm by his ribbon.

"Hey-! Where are you going?", Grimm shrieked. "To search for a sneaky little rat who bailed on his punishment", my voice was clipped. "I don't care if we have to drag him kicking and screaming, he's washing those windows."

We entered a classroom. It was empty. Grimm was sneaking around the tables and chairs as if Ace had somehow hidden himself in there. 

"There's no one here", Me and Grimm grumbled in unison. "Oh, I wouldn't say that, I'm here, after all," A soft but strong voice called out behind us.

A painting of a young woman holding a rose stood behind us. I thought my ears deceived me, but the voice called out again. "And what is a half-blood and a monster doing in here?"

"Bwaaah! That painting just talked!", Grimm said. "And did it just call you a half-blood?"

"It?", the woman's tone was incredulous. "How dare you? I am a girl! And is a talking painting such an odd thing at this school? As long as a painting has a mouth, why wouldn't it be able to talk?"

"I'm sorry. We're a bit new around here", I gave Grimm a look. "Do you happen to see a boy with fluffy red hair and a heart mark on his face? We're looking for him."

"Hmmm...most probably a freshman", the painting wondered. "Yes, I do think I saw him. He left with the rest of the other students to their dorms."

"Myah?", Grimm growled. "So he did try to ditch us! Where are those dorms?"

"The door to the dorms is in the eastern building", she said.

"Come on, Willow. Let's chase after that cheating rat back!", Grimm hopped down from the table and ran. I stayed back. There was something I had to ask.

"Why, dear, are you not going after your familiar?", the painting asked. "I'll follow soon. He'll be lost without me. I...", I swallowed, my mouth immediately dry. "Before, you called me a half..."

"Ah, yes. A demigod. Did you not know that?"

" No...I knew that already. Are you saying that...demigods exist here too?"

"Oh they did," she said. "Once upon a time. But not any longer. Which is why it is quite a surprise to see you here. And I should warn you, any sort of magic item with a spirit can recognize you instantly."

Well, that's reassuring...

"Are there more like you in this school?", I asked. "Yes. There's a lot of us around here. Why?"

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