Chapter 2

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You know the feeling when you repeatedly tell someone the same thing over and over again, and they don't even bother to reply or even acknowledge what you told?

Oh boy, the frustration and anger exceed all godly limits. 

Then after a while, you are just DONE, and you just want to stab them.

That's me with the oh-so-lovely Mr. Dire Crowley, Headmage of Night Raven College.

This man just made me appreciate how great of a person Mr. D is.  And we do not like each other. (He can't stop calling me Winnie. He usually changes the names every 5 seconds for everyone else but me.)

Before I had a chance to take out my dagger, we entered a dark chamber that looked straight out of the villain's lair and....wait for it....more floating coffins! In the middle surrounded by the crowd was *gasp* a mirror. And the most amazing part is that it looked just like the mirror in my dream! What a surprise! 

We entered just when a red-eyed boy said "Maybe he's sick?"

"I most certainly am not!", Crowley exclaimed. "If you must know, I was gracious enough to search for the new student who'd failed to show up for orientation."

He waved his hand to me. "Step up to the Dark Mirror and state your name."

I gritted my teeth. I was certainly not going to follow his orders like a dog. I noticed Grimm trying to bite through what Crowley had bound him in. I hope he chews through that and bites Crowley.

Crowley noticed my gaze."Ah yes. Don't worry, I'll watch over your familiar. Be quick about it now, you're the last student to come through."

With a frustrated sigh, I walked up to the mirror. From the corner of my eye, I noticed a red-haired boy glare at Grimm. 

The mirror was floating with a weirdly familiar face in it. Hmmm...Hold on a minute. Wasn't that the face inside the Evil Queen's mirror? Like from Snow White?

⟨  I am the Dark Mirror, the most prized possession of the Beautiful Queen ⟩, a voice spoke inside my head. I flinched and glared at the mirror.

⟨ To think a Child of the Sun would be here, it is most surprising...  ⟩, it said. I narrowed my eyes

'You know who I am. You are the one that brought me here right?', I thought. 'I know this whole thing is a mistake-'

⟨ Nothing is a mistake. What choice was made shall stay the same.⟩

What did the mirror think it was? Oracle of Delphi 2.0?

The headmaster cleared his throat. The mirror took it as a convenient time to talk out loud.

⟨⟨State your name⟩⟩

I grumbled. "Willow Solace. Willow Mikaela Solace if you want my full name."

The crowd started to murmur. 'Isn't that supposed to be a girl's name?'

Of course, it is, genius. I'm a girl after all.

The mirror was silent for a few seconds before answering.

⟨⟨ The nature of your soul is....unclear to me.⟩⟩


"What?", the headmage said, followed by gasps around the room. "What do you mean?"

⟨⟨ There is too little magic in her to be considered. Her soul is dull and cold. Therefore she fits no dorm. ⟩⟩

" What? Her?", the head mage exclaimed in shock. I rolled my eyes. 

"Thank you for noticing," I said pulling my hood down. My hair spilled out and I glared at the shocked headmaster. 

"The black carriage went to receive a girl who can barely use magic?", the headmaster asked the mirror. "But that is absurd! The selection process has never errored in at least 100 years. How could this happen?"

"You know you could have saved a lot of time if you'd just listened to me on our way here", I said. 

"Mmmph! Nnnrgggh...", Grimm squeaked. the bonds on his mouth snapped. "Me! Let me have that human's seat. I have magic! See I can show you if you want!"

A blast of blue fire came from his mouth towards the students. Screams echoed through the chamber.

"Everyone get down!", the redhead yelled.

"Miss Willow, please control your familiar!", Crowley said. I raised my eyebrows. "Even after listening to the mirror, do you really think he's my familiar? He's not mine."

Grimm continued to blast his magic around. Does he know what he's doing?

"Myahhh", the monster cackled. "See how amazing I am!"

Nope, he doesn't."You have a very interesting definition of amazing", I said covering my nose.

"Shut up, you're just jealous you can't do what I can!", he blew another wave of fire.

"Me? Jealous? Jealous of your total inability to control your powers? No thanks, I prefer to stay magicless", I screamed.

"Someone catch that blasted animal before it sets the entire school ablaze!", Crowley yelled. "Ugh. So much noise...", a guy with animal ears yawned. "Can I go now?"

"Hmm? I thought you saw yourself as a hunter", a handsome-looking blonde said. "Why don't you catch the weasel yourself?"

He wrinkled his nose. "That's too much effort for a weasel itself."

"Please leave this to me, Headmage Crowley. If none of you are up to catching a small familiar, I will take over the responsibility," the guy with glasses said.

"WTG Azul. Rackin' up those participation credits", a voice from a floating tablet said.

"I'm sorry, were my instructions unclear?!", Crowley said. The guy with ears sighed. "Pretty sure you can handle catching one mangy weasel there, head mage."

I stared at them with a deadpan expression. They were arguing. Arguing on who'll catch Grimm, instead of immediately acting on command. 

Not that I was enjoying the fact Crowley was currently being forcefully ignored by the students, most likely the dorm prefects.

"Hey, Mr. Headmage!", I raised my hand and waved at the trembling man, simultaneously dodging the new wave of flames. The group of 8 stared at me, suspiciously. 

"Yes, Miss Willow?", Crowley said. I pointed at the rampaging raccoon. "If I handle him, can you find a way to take me back home?" They looked speechless. I took the expression on their faces as a 'yes' anyway. 

I slid out my daggers and ran towards the fire hazard of a monster, ignoring the shouts of the people behind me. Grimm noticed me and threw fireballs in my way. His eyes widened when I dodged them.

"Myaahh!!", he said. "Don't stand in my way, human! I'll burn you to a crisp."

"I don't think so", I smiled. "There wouldn't be much burning."

I threw my dagger and it struck the ribbon he was wearing. He yelped out, distracted. I lept, grabbed the dagger back, and tackled him to the floor. He didn't have a chance to make a sound when I held it to his neck.

Grimm squirmed and I tightened my grip. "Don't move too much, or I'll be happy to send you back to Tartarus, "I whispered to his ear. "I'm sure you'll regenerate, oh, in a thousand years or so."

He whimpered and stopped moving. I looked up to the shocked faces of the crowd and grinned. 

"If you guys are done staring, I'd like someone to put him in a more secure holding."


Prologue: Chapter 2 done!

On to the next!

Fairy TSW

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