Chapter 8

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"If burning a statue wasn't enough, you had to destroy the magic chandelier too?", Crowley said. "That's it. I'm having you all expelled!"

"Whaaat?", Ace and Deuce exclaimed. 

"Headmage, please. It was an accident", Deuce was pale. " I can't get expelled. I need to be here. I'll pay for the damages. However much it costs!"

"Yeah! How much could it cost?", Ace agreed.

"How much?", Crowley's eyes glimmered in anger. "That chandelier was no mere ornament. It is been here since the establishment of the school,  created for us by a legendary artificer. If you consider that, the estimation of its worth is no less than a billion Thaumarks. Do you both intend to repay that sum?"

"A b-b-billion?", Deuce stammered. Ace was horrified. "You have magic, right?", I said softly. Crowley turned towards me. I didn't want to be involved, but both Ace and Duece looked sick. And since they got into this mess because I 'asked' them to, I couldn't keep quiet (Also because the real cause was unconscious in my arms). "You're a head mage. With a snap of your fingers, you could fix it."

Crowley sighed. "I'm afraid that is not possible, Miss Willow. This chandelier had a mage stone, the figurative heart of any magical artifact. It can't be easily replaced." He cleared his throat. "However there could be a small tiny chance to repair it..."

Ace and Deuce perked up. I narrowed my eyes. The head mage was up to something. "The mage stone that powered this chandelier was mined from the Dwarfs' Mine. If you can acquire a mage stone with the same properties, it may be possible to repair it."

Dueuce didn't hesitate one bit. "Then I'll go find a mage stone, sir. With your permission of course!"

"I should inform you that mage stones are rare to find. The mines were closed quite some time ago. It is quite likely that all of the magestones have already been mined."

"It's alright", Deuce said, with more enthusiasm. "I'll find a way to get that mage stone."

"Very well then", Crowley said. "I will suspend your expulsion for a night. But if you fail to return with a mage stone by morning, then all of you are expelled."

"I understand, sir! Thank you very much for this opportunity."

Crowley left with a flourish of his fake-feathery cape. I looked at Deuce's hopeful face. "You intend to search for a long-lost stone in a closed-down mine?", I asked. Grimm was shifting awake, so I clamped my hand on his mouth so he wouldn't interfere.

Ace and Deuce looked at me strangely. "I have to", Deuce said stubbornly.

"You don't understand, do you?", Ace sighed. "Anyone who would be in our position would do it. NRC is famous for producing hotshot mages in different fields. To be expelled from here is a huge deal. Man... How did I end up in this mess? I swear, I have the worst kind of luck."

"Come on", Deuce said. " Let's go to the Mirror Chamber. We can reach the Dwarf's Mine quickly by using one of the gates."

Grimm pawed off my hand from his mouth. "What's going on? Where am I? How long was I asleep?"

"Oh, you might end up wishing you were asleep a little longer."


We teleported to a forest. It was growing dark, the trees casting long shadows as we walked past. The entrance of Dwarf's Mine was partially boarded up, with a crumbling wood sign saying that it was no longer in use. 

"So this is the Dwarfs' Mine...", Deuce peered into the darkness. "Ugh, who knows what lurks in that place", Grimm shuddered. 

"You afraid of the dark?", I smirked. "What? Me? No way! The great Grimm ain't afraid of some dark dingy mine!", Grimm sneezed, his face scrunched up. 

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