Chapter 9

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"Willow...", Grimm said. "Do we have to do this? I'm kinda sca-ah, um- hungry."

"There's nothing to worry about", I scratched his head. He leaned into my touch. "If we all do our parts accordingly, then we might get away with the stone before it tries to catch us."

Grimm and I were standing in front of the now-open entrance.  Ace and Deuce were skeptical about my plan at first, but they quickly agreed when I told them Plan B would involve someone dying. There's no better way to get two people to work together if you tell them someone's gotta die.

I took a deep breath and gripped my blades. This plan had to work. It had to. 

"You know the signal right?", I asked Grimm, who was still staring at the mine entrance like it was a monster's open mouth.


I smiled at him. "I'll come as soon as I can."


The monster was in the same place as we first saw it. Its glass head was still overflowing with ink. Its pickaxe still looked ready to strike intruders. It still was a lazy old guy who would chase off people when they got too close to his prized possession.

What if someone took off with the prize? Would you still chase them out or hunt them down?

I picked up a stray rock. The stage was set. Actors in positions. Lights, Camera, Action!

"Look! I got a stone!", I yelled. 

That got the monster's attention. It roared at me. I smiled and waved my closed fist. "You want it back, Inky? Catch me if you can!"

I started to run. 


The monster bellowed behind me. Occasionally to make sure it still followed me, I yelled how pretty the stone was or how much money it would get me in the market. The monster's roar gave me my answer.

I hiked up to the entrance of the mine, with the stone-obsessed monster close behind. Despite its appearance, it was agile. It howled as I ran across the clearing and into the trees.

A good distance away from the mine.


When Inky finally got into position, I threw the rock away. It shattered into a million pieces. Right on cue, Blue flames shot up the air, and the wind sped up to a ferocious rate.


"Ha!!", Ace came into view, Grimm right behind him. " One extra-large gust of wind at you your service!"

"With a side of Grim's blazing-hot fire!"

I held on to dear life, as the duo increased their magic attacks. 

The first time they fought, Ace's wind magic only made Grimm's flames more erratic and hard to control. And that was because they focused on their attacks separately. But when combined into a single strike...

Fire and Air weren't a bad combo when you needed to encase a monster into a flaming tornado. 

Grimm didn't have to put much effort into the fire- the real effort came from Ace. With the winds fanning the flames and controlling how fast they spread, it must have taken a lot of energy for him to muster this move.

"How long can you hold up?", I asked.

Ace pondered for a minute. "3 minutes at max? Will that be enough?"

A Demigod in Wonderland? (TWST x PJO)Where stories live. Discover now