²⁵. Taehyung or Tyung?

101 13 16

^this mashup works perfectly if you listened to it after the chapter ends.


Jungkook wiped the sweat off his forehead as he crouched behind the Sphinx, the sun beating down on the ancient monument.

the team were assigned to analyze the whole area, he was looking forward to find something new and probably enjoy the his late lunch later where the leader promised.

it was apparently a fancy restaurant, his colleagues were too excited to meet new team members and researchers from other teams.

he was in no mood to make pleasantries and lie about reading the seniors works for extra points.

his colleagues call him Lucifer.

giving that despite his attractive looks hes always quiet, passive aggressive at gatherings. so rudely blunt yet mysterious and somehow scary.

jungkook was thinking of the food as his stomach growled, he rose up to his feet and turned around when he bumped into a peculiar figure, their eyes met in surprise.

The man had a shock of blue fluffy hair that seemed out of place in the archeological site.

a blue mask on and his blue bangs fell on his eyes making it impossible for jungkook to see his features.

His physique was just lean, and despite the dust, his tanned skin stood out, clean and soft.

The man wore a mask, an obvious attempt to shield himself from the flying dust, his voice came muffled as he spoke, deep and soulful, and it sent a shiver down Jungkook's spine-

it was oddly .. familiar.

to the point goosebumps covered his skin.

"Hey there! you're the Archeologist from California, right?" he greeted first, his voice carrying a mischievous undertone

"iam him," jungkook replied curtly, not liking the necessary cheerfulness.

"you must be the psychologist from Canada" jungkook replied, trying to sound casual. "you look nothing like a psychologist, even though I can't see your face."

Jungkook chuckled, intrigued by the stranger's confident demeanor.

"I look like a model? I get that a lot." the guy chimed.

jungkook raised a perfect brow at him before mumbling, "more like a clown.."

the man sing songed, "ooh so you're a rude one, I like rude men. I mean, I'm not hitting on you but, I could be." he winked and jungkook rolled his eyes.

he started packing his things in his backpack and putting it on his right shoulder.

it did sound heavy with all the tools yet he held it effortlessly and the man noticed, his eyes following every muscle as it contracted as a result of the weight.

jungkook eyed the man for awhile before pointing at his hair carelessly.

"why blue? You're practically a damn walking lightbulb, its disturbing."

The masked man laughed, a sound muffled by his mask. "Well, I believe in standing out, even in the midst of ancient ruins." he made a gesture of pushing with hands, it amused jungkook. "Plus, it's a great conversation starter!" he added, pointing out between the two of them.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, unable to hold back his amusement. "Conversation starter or a fashion disaster?"

The masked man gasped dramatically, "the archeologist has jokes! I like that. sadly no sense of style whatsoever. " the man pouted, it was hidden by his mask but evident in his tone.

the secret of kemet.  taekookWhere stories live. Discover now