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The clearing was timid. Thick smoke from the still-crackling fires that had been used to get rid of the hostile newborns rose to the sky like purplish shadows.

The smell of burned venom hung heavily over the air as it bore itself deep into Bree's bones. She was doubtful she would ever be able to get rid of the sickly sweet aroma seeping into her clothes.

She felt her body shudder. It was partly because of fear and partly because of how much she craved the blood of the human standing close to her. It called her in, inviting her to step closer like a siren waiting on its prey.

She had promised to try to control herself in exchange for getting spared from death, but the task was getting harder the more time went on. The smell of blood was dizzying and caused her to feel like she had swallowed a volcano. She was sure it was going to erupt soon if she couldn't get away from the mortal close to her.

The young teen's eyes darted pleadingly towards the strange yellow-eyed vampires, begging for their help. Her silent plea went unanswered as none of them turned their attention to her, all of their amber eyes strictly set on the Volturi.


Bree's face turned instinctively towards the voice. The blond sadistic girl who had said the words looked straight at her, sending shivers down her body. Something about the girl made the young vampire feel uneasy. Perhaps it was the cold empty eyes or the youthfulness of the clearly many-century-old girl that creeped her out.

Bree gulped as one of the Volturi guards took a step towards her. Her body felt like it had turned into ice. She was unable to move.

Fear gripped her heart. She didn't want to die. She wasn't ready to go to the afterlife just yet. She had hardly even lived. She was just a sixteen-year-old girl who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, first getting turned into a vampire and then getting a death sentence for simply existing. She hadn't even had enough time to fall in love or travel the world, seeing different cultures, like she had always dreamed of.

"Wait," the mind reader said. "We could explain the rules to the young one. She doesn't seem unwilling to learn. She didn't know what she was doing."

Bree felt a small glimmer of hope in her chest. She was surprised that the red-headed boy had decided to try to help her.

She was not used to people helping her.

Her whole life, her father had been abusive towards her, shouting at her and sometimes even beating her up. The latter had not happened often for the girl's luck. Her father had been too concerned about someone finding out about the abuse, so he had not dared to hurt her too badly.

The only two who had helped her were now gone, out of her life, like her mortality.

Fred had left Seattle and was somewhere safe from all of this mess. He was probably hoping that Bree would come to him like they had discussed. Little did he know that they would never see each other again.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 of Bree TannerWhere stories live. Discover now