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"Now that we have discussed your living situation, we can move on to the Volturi," Carlisle said. He had discreetly forced Bree to share information about herself. She felt like she had no choice but to reveal some to the man, as he had done so, placing her in an uncomfortable position of sharing her personal information.

She had tried her best to say as little as possible, hoping the vampire before her wouldn't press for more. It had partially succeeded. The girl had told him her full name and more about Riley, like he had requested. After that, the leader had asked her to stay with the coven, explaining how everyone involved would benefit from it to the fullest degree. They had come to an agreement where the newborn would be let go as soon as her newborn year was over and she could control herself better. She had decided to take the offer, suspecting it was her only chance to eventually get away from the dangerous coven. The other option would have cost her life or imprisoned her fully to the house she was in.

"Bree?" Carlisle said, his amber eyes glued to her.

"Yeah," the young teen answered. Her body twitched under his gaze. She didn't like when people stared at her. It made her feel vulnerable.

"We need to discuss what happened with the Volturi after you escaped." Worry stretched over the blond leader's face, overtaking his calm demeanour. "They feel quite humiliated for letting a newborn escape from their grasp. I fret about what they ought to do."

Bree looked down on her feet. She felt her nervousness spike. It raced inside of her against the odd, growing calmness, trying to defeat it.

"The volturi are not easily forgiving. You broke the law in their eyes, even if you did not know any better. They want to punish you and kill you for your crimes. However, I feel Aro will take an interest in your power," he continued silently. "It will be beneficial for you. He might want to chat with you and see if you want to join his coven."

"H-his coven?" Bree's eyes widened. She lifted her head, feeling uneasiness slither into her body, wrapping itself against her heart. She certainly did not want to join any coven, no matter how desperately she wanted to live.

"He won't, of course, force you to join, but I doubt he will let you away easily. Your power is quite interesting. I have never seen something like it in my time of being alive, and I doubt Aro has seen either." Carlisle sighed, moving his fingers against each other. His elbows touched the table, holding his hands up in the air. "I fear he will bring Chelsea when the time comes for the Volturi guards to arrive back here."

"Back here?" the young teen repeated, her body tightening from the words. She felt a surge of terror once again splash inside her marble-like body. The emotion was way too familiar to her now. She hoped to be able to throw it away and forbid it to ever torment her again. She was so sick of it.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 of Bree TannerWhere stories live. Discover now