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THE HUNT_____________꒷꒦꒷꒷꒦❦꒦꒷꒦꒷꒷

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"Bree, will you behave if we let go of you?" The leader asked, his amber eyes pleading for an answer.

The teen was silent. She had struggled against the yellow-eyed coven's hold, refusing to move the whole way to the spot in the forest she had been dragged to. Her posture was now still, unmoving like a statue as her dark eyes evaded the vampires' gazes. She was too afraid to look into their eyes. She didn't want to see them looking at her like she was a wild animal. It was partially true, but she did not like being compared to creatures living in the forest.

"Bree?" the man asked again. He stood patiently in his place, refusing to let her be silent. "Do we need to hunt for you, or can you do it on your own?"

The coven had explained to her how they only drank animal blood and how they wanted to blend in with the humans, living alongside the stupid creatures. The girl did not understand why they would want to do so. It was a dumb idea to try to interact with the mammals. Vampires were supposed to feed from them, kill them. They were their prey, specifically designed for the immortals to feast on. Their whole existence revolved around being a food supply for vampires. Their slushy soft bodies were so easily crushed by the immortal's strength, snapping like twigs in half. It was ridiculously easy to give them death, so they were clearly not meant to survive. None of them were nice, either. Bree had struggled as one of them, and no one had realised it. They didn't deserve to live happy lives when they didn't help her.

"I still think we should kill it. It's creating too much trouble for us, Carlisle. We don't have time for this. I'm sure the Volturi would be more pleased with us if the newborn were a pile of ash," the southern vampire interjected, his stance looking impatient. The scars on his skin glistened like tiny stars as he looked irritated.

"Nonsense! We are not going to do such a thing," one of the females answered. Disapproval shimmered on her face as her caramel-coloured hair played in the small wind. She looked at the leader, concerned, and then towards the young girl standing next to him.

The blond leader opened his mouth, seeming tired. "I dislike going over the same conversation multiple times, Jasper. Even my patience is not going to last forever. I know you are not happy about our decision to keep Bree alive. If you want to go back to the house, you can do so; no one is stopping you. You are not required to guard her if you don't want to."

The southern vampire looked falteringly at Bree and the forest. His eyes were buzzing with thoughts. A sight escaped from his mouth. "I will stay."

The leader nodded, relaxing his stance. "Thank you."

Bree felt surprised. She was unsure if she could trust the coven's promise about not killing her. They could still be bluffing her, treating her like a clueless child. Hoping that she would fall for their trick. She needed to be smart and stay as silent as possible. It would ensure that her words were not used against her or be the reason she got killed. Maybe she could play along with their wishes for a while and see what would happen.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 of Bree TannerWhere stories live. Discover now