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The boy stared at her, his tall features outlined against the calm sky. “Bree?”

The newborn couldn’t respond. She blinked in surprise at her friend’s sudden appearance. Her mind had not yet finished processing the fact that her saviour was in front of her. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out of it.

As silence erupted between the two, she took it as an opportunity to study his comforting features. She’d never thought she’d be so overwhelmingly pleased to see the boy’s curly blond hair and muscular body. She had only concentrated on finding him and nothing else. It embarrassed her. She hadn’t even thought about what she’d do after finding him. There hadn’t been a single thought of what they’d do in the long run, but now that they were reunited, she was left baffled by all the paths they could take. Would they form a coven? Or end up going different paths? Maybe they were going to become fugitives in the vampire world, running forever from the Volturi without breaks.

Terror came back to her expression as she remembered Jasper. Had Fred dealt with him already? She tried lifting her head to see where he had gone, but the attempt ended up causing jolting pain to travel through her body. It made her wince.

“Don’t move. That jerk hurt you quite badly,” Fred instructed. He pressed her head delicately back against the soil. The grass poked the back of her head as her head came to rest on it.

She let the curly-haired vampire keep her still before letting a whisper come from her lips “Fred?”

The boy lifted one of his eyebrows. “Yes?”

A small smile formed on her face. It radiated in it brightly, regardless of how small it was. Fred was truly here. She had made it to safety.

The other vampire returned her smile, his warm eyes relieved. “I almost didn’t make it in time. The scarred vampire was about to light you on fire with his pocket lighter.”

“He was?” Bree gasped. She hadn’t noticed Jasper pulling anything from his pockets, but then again, her eyes had been closed.

“Yes, you were very lucky.”

The newborn’s eyes widened. She tried to avert her gaze to see where the southern-accented man had disappeared. “Where is he?”

“The asshole? I force him to back down with my power. We should be safe for now, but we do need to leave soon,” Fred explained. He looked around, tilting his head cautiously. “Where is Diego? I thought you went to search for him.”

A stab went through the girl’s heart as she frowned. She had shoved the thoughts of her other friend deep inside, wishing to never need to think about him, yet here she was about to reveal the black-haired boy’s faith to Fred. “Victoria and Riley killed him.”

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 of Bree TannerWhere stories live. Discover now