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THE FLUFFY BEE_____________꒷꒦꒷꒷꒦❦꒦꒷꒦꒷꒷

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The moonlight shone inside Bree's new room through its huge windows.

She sat away in the shadows, hugging herself tightly.

The girl had been in Esme's embrace until she had stopped weeping. She had rushed to the third floor and closed her room's door, too embarrassed from showing weakness to the yellow eyes. They had to think she was weak, unable to handle anything sad.

As time went on, the shadows grew shorter and more pronounced. Their soft edges turned to look like lines, cutting the room like scissors. The teen sat still, looking at the first rays of sunshine that broke through the forest. She lowered her cheeks to her knees, feeling the fabric of the jeans touch her skin. Her senses were strictly on the other vampires inside the house. She didn't want them to surprise her and barge into her room.

The TV had been turned off. The only sound the electronic device made was low static noise. All electronics made it. It was frustrating. How were humans able to handle the annoying noise coming from them? Didn't they go crazy because of the constant hum? Or were their senses so dull that they didn't hear the sound? The newborn squished her eyes, trying to remember what it had been like to have human senses. The only thing she was able to recall was a dim memory of her listening to a radio. She didn't remember the song but could remember a couple beats coming from the old machine. They were silent—almost whispers—and not recognisable enough to warrant a memory of the song. The human hearing, according to her memory, seemed quite bad. No wonder the mammals didn't notice the annoying sounds. They were practically deaf.

The newborn stood up, deciding she had moped enough. It was time for her to leave the safety of her room before someone came to check up on her. She was sure it would happen soon otherwise, and she did not need the pitying eyes of the Cullens. She was perfectly fine. Her mood swing was gone. No one could even suspect how sad she had felt a while ago. Only proof of it was in her and the yellow-eyes minds, lurking her and reminding her of her weak moment.

Bree moved silently towards the bedroom's door. It became closer, daunting her like a child. Her stomach jolted. Maybe she was still not ready to leave. Her body turned back towards the corner she had sat in. It definitely wouldn't hurt to stay in her room a bit longer. The girl's lip corners lifted. They formed a gentle smile on her face. Yes, it was a better idea to stay here, safe from the other vampires lurking in the house.

Her eyes turned curiously to their new destination. She had not noticed the silver-framed mirror sitting close to the bathroom door. It looked hidden, like someone would have deliberately moved it out of sight. Had it been in the room before? The teen frowned. She dipped into her mind, trying to search for signs of the shiny object in her brain. Her memories repeated all her movements in the luxurious bedroom. She had not seen it.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 of Bree TannerWhere stories live. Discover now