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The chill night air hit Bree’s face as she ran. She moved beneath the trees, only slowing down when she felt like she was far enough from the ominous house.

Her body relaxed as her fingers touched her throat. She needed to eventually feed, but something was stopping her from doing so. She needed to be brave and just attack a passerby. Why did she make it such a big deal to kill one of the mortals? She had happily done so a few weeks ago.

Living with the Cullens shouldn’t have affected her this much. Did the animal blood in her system make her dependent on it? A memory of its taste flew into her mind, putting its vivid flavour on her tongue. No, she doubted that was the case. She scrunched her nose in disgust. She hadn’t yet gotten used to its odd taste.

Fred’s outline came to her mind. Her head snapped back towards the house.

In her rush, she had forgotten the blond boy’s existence. He had to be confused, wondering where she had gone. Guilt hit her like a truck. She hadn't meant to abandon her friend like that. What type of friend was she if she left so unannounced, not even bothering to tell her friend where she was going?

She frowned. She needed to get back to her father’s house as soon as possible.

The sound of footsteps carried to her ears. They had to belong to Fred.

The young teen took three itching steps onward. Her legs twitched to go further to meet with her friend. She felt unsafe without him closeby. If the Cullens had appeared from somewhere, she would have been captured by them fairly quickly. Therefore, it was safer to stay close to Fred. With him, catching her wasn’t as easy as before. His and her powers were unstoppable together. There was no need to be nervous about getting ambushed.

Doubts cluttered her mind. What if he had decided to want to go his own way? Perhaps her abandoning him had been enough for the boy, and he had realised she wasn’t worth his attention.

She winced.

She wasn’t even ready to hunt humans yet. How was he supposed to have a companion who starved themselves? She would eventually go crazy with thirst and become dangerous to be around. She was already able to feel some of her sanity disappearing. Who was to say the rate at which it was going away wouldn’t quicken abruptly? She could be a huge danger to Fred in the future if she were not to get her things together soon. The faster she drank from a mortal and got it over with, the better.

A familiar boy appeared from a distance. Fred’s eyes went past her like he hadn’t seen her.
His strange action caused her thoughts to become louder. She had been right. He didn’t want to be with her anymore. She was sure he was going to stop in front of her and tell her he was going to head to Canada alone.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 of Bree TannerWhere stories live. Discover now