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THE BOY_____________꒷꒦꒷꒷꒦❦꒦꒷꒦꒷꒷

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The soft forest floor bounced beneath Bree’s rushing footsteps.

Nature was doing its morning routine. Birds chirped in the trees. Animals rustled in their nests, unaware of the dangerous predator walking by.

Nevertheless, despite the beautiful waking woods, she felt nervous. It crippled inside of her sneakily, like a cobra. She couldn’t get the amber-eyed vampire’s words out of her head. They taunted her, ruining her peaceful moment.

The boy behind her strolled more relaxedly, not seeming as anxious as before. Seth’s bouncy heart pumped his veins full of blood. Circulated the delicious red liquid in them and left her to crave the life-giving fluid going through him.

She felt venom pool in her mouth. Its sweet familiar taste urged her to take a sip from the Quileute. However, she couldn’t. No matter how frustrated the idea made her.

She wanted to taste the blood so badly. The desire was so strong that she constantly had to turn her head away from him. Unfortunately, her gaze seemed to pop right back to him when she desperately looked away.

The wind picked on her paint-tattered clothes. It tugged at their corners, trying to rip pieces from them. She didn’t like the wind today.

“So, your Bree, right?” Seth broke the tense silence.

The newborn turned to look at him. Her head tilted slightly from the strengthening smell of his blood. “Yes.”

“It’s nice to meet you! I’m Seth Clearwater,” the black-haired boy introduced himself. He jumped in front of her, stopping the girl in her tracks.

She stiffened in response, withholding a growl nearly escaping from her chest. It wouldn’t have helped to growl at the Quileute. In the worst-case scenario where she would have done so, she would have been attacked by a huge wolf. Gotten ripped apart and been killed on the spot.

That was definitely not on her list today.

The young teen had forgotten the danger of him in her nerve-cracking state. She needed to be careful around Seth. He was a shapeshifter, after all. She couldn’t risk doing something triggering to him.

Her gaze flew to the dirt beneath her boots. Her eyelids closed and then opened up again as she redirected her focus on the Quileute. The other teenager didn’t seem threatening. In fact, the wide smile on his face told her how excited he was. He really had to want to interview her.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 of Bree TannerWhere stories live. Discover now