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Bree's legs took a small push from the ground as she jumped effortlessly over a tree trunk. Her feet hit the grassy land on the other side, causing a thump to echo in the forest.

She cringed. Her senses checked out the wilderness around her, worried that someone had heard her short jump.

She had been running and hiding from the yellow-eyed vampires for a day now. It was exhausting to have to constantly be on alert, even if she did not get tired. It almost felt like she was lifting boulders. She hoped that she would be able to get out of the coven's territory soon. She just needed to find the perfect spot to get over their border without getting detected.

The brown-haired girl had found an ocean twenty hours ago. She had run towards it, feeling hope leak into her heart, only to discover that the vampire clan whose territory she was on had decided to guard their territory borders in hopes of finding her.

The tactic proved itself successful when she was dumb enough to not make sure she was alone on the ocean shore. She had been about to dive into the warm water when a man who looked straight out of Marvel comics charged at her.

He had looked like a hulk with his enormous muscles. They were huge, making Bree happy that she had been able to flee the scene without getting killed. She would not have had any chance of fighting against the man.

Her body had somehow turned invisible in the process of fleeing him, creeping her out quite badly. She had almost wanted to cry when she hadn't been able to see her hands. At first, she had frantically fallen to the dirt, trying to see if she had made any marks on it. She thought she had died. To her relief, she had succeeded in her test.

The hulk-like man had stared in confusion at her hiding spot, turning multiple times around, trying to locate her. He had eventually taken his phone out, looking like someone would have stolen his pet.

The encounter had shaken her up, leaving her too terrified to try to go in any other direction for a while. She had climbed up a tree five kilometres from the ocean and ended up sitting on its branch for hours, attempting to practise her newfound powers.

Bree let her senses lead her towards a stream. Her brisk steps stopped as she came to it.

The water glittered magically under the sun's rays as the tranquil water revealed round rocks on the bottom of the stream. They moved slightly every time a bigger currency picked on them, pushing them further along their underwater home.

The red-eyed girl crouched down and touched the silky water. It nudged her sparkling fingers gently, making her giggle with delight. She loved how water felt to her after her transformation. She liked to think it felt like a hug, but she wasn't completely sure how accurate her perspective was; after all, she couldn't remember what it felt like.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 of Bree TannerWhere stories live. Discover now