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A thump echoed in the silent forest as Bree fell onto the grass. Her feet took support from the ground as her eyes stared at the brown-eyed Quileute suspiciously. Her body was ready to bolt if necessary. She was not going to get attacked.

Fred appeared to her left, raising his head cautiously. She could see he was not pleased with the fact that she wished to speak with the younger boy.

As both of the immortals stared at the fourteen-year-old, crickets started to play their musical in the distance. Their soothing songs calmed the trio enough for them to not glare at each other.

“So..umm…” Seth stuttered nervously. His palms looked sweaty, like he would have been especially anxious.

The newborn remembered how she had used to produce the odd human substance when she had been one. She did not miss the clammy feeling accompanying sweat and was happy that the memories, including those moments, had faded to almost nothing.

"Please, Seth, let us go,” the crimson-eyed girl pleaded silently. She tried to look as non-threatening as possible, relaxing her muscles from their stiff state. It felt wrong to ease her body’s rigidity, but she didn’t want to seem too hostile.

The black-haired Quileute shaked his head. “I’m sorry, but I can’t. The Cullens need you. Without your presence, they are going to get into big trouble, and no one on the reservation wants that to happen. It might affect us negatively too.”

Fred let out a growl.

The sound made Seth jump as he took a step back. “I’m really sorry, truly! If your leaving wouldn’t cause any trouble, I’d let you go, but that’s not the case.”

A short, sly look appeared on the young teen’s face. Her mouth corners threatened to rise, but managed to stay down.

“You can’t know for sure if it will cause any of you trouble.” She argued back, feeling proud of her line. The boy would have to see she was right.

However, the Quileute didn’t react to her words like she’d hoped. Instead, he just shrugged. “Carlisle knows Volturi and if he says that your leaving will result in something bad, we should believe him.”

Her irritation swept her off her feet as it proceeded to explode inside of her. The emotion’s strength surprised her. She hadn’t thought she’d get so frustrated so easily, especially because of a mortal. Her emotions were supposed to be more in check now. She was now over three months old and had tried to keep her worst anger outburst away. They had, for some reason, come back. She was not happy about the discovery. They made her wonder why they had returned so suddenly. What had happened between this moment and last week? There had to be a reason why her feelings came out more freely.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 of Bree TannerWhere stories live. Discover now