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The grey clouds floated on the sky. Their heavy edges not leaving any gaps for the sun to break through, no matter how much daylight tried to push itself past them.

Bree ran in the forest, her stomach full of butterflies. Cold air enveloped around her. Its chilly strokes sneaked into her frozen body eagerly, waiting for her to start shivering without success.

She ignored its attempts. She had better things to do than play with the cool air. It should have known vampires didn’t feel the cold the same way humans did. It was impossible for her to get chills from it.

The young teen stepped on a stick. It snapped beneath her, creating a loud warning noise for anyone nearby.

She was getting closer to Cullen territory. It wouldn’t be long until she’d reach it. Perhaps another ten minutes, and she’d arrive at the territory line. The thought made her nervous, sending a spur of new butterflies into the dark pits of her stomach. What exactly was she supposed to do then? She couldn't, without a doubt, just walk back into their house. Or could she? Would it be as easy as that? No. It certainly wouldn’t go well. Maybe she would try waiting for one of the yellow-eyes to spot her on the edge of their territory. All she knew, Alice could have seen her coming back, and they were currently waiting impatiently for her to return.

But what if they were going to kill her themselves instead of giving her to the Volturi? She let out a short snarl as fear shot into her. The sixteen-year-old shaked her head. She was being silly. It wouldn’t matter who killed her. It wouldn’t be the end of the world if she instead died at the hands of the Cullens. She’d get murdered regardless of who did it, and wasn’t that what she had signed herself into—to get killed?

Her heart swelled with terror. Even if she had decided to accept her impending faith, dread slipped into her core. Was this the right thing to do? She could still turn back. No one had found her yet. She had more than enough time to leave before anyone would catch her scent and go after her.

As she was pondering what to do, she reached yellow-eyes territory. It loomed in front of her, greeting her once again.

Just before stepping inside, she came to a halt. She needed to make the choice.

The girl studied the area, too doubtful to go forward. Her timid muscles were ready to bounce even from the smallest of sounds. She needed to be on full alert.

Time crept by. Her scent drifted around the area, investigating it curiously while she busied her mind by struggling to figure out what to do. Her rumination was interrupted as nature on her right turned silent. The silence was peculiar. Usually, not possible, except if something scary enough to scare the animals was close.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 of Bree TannerWhere stories live. Discover now