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AFTERMATH _____________꒷꒦꒷꒷꒦❦꒦꒷꒦꒷꒷

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Bree's feet brought her in front of her former bedroom's door. Hands quivering on its handle, she opened it, careful to not attract attention from the silent creak it made. She did not want to alarm the Cullens. Deep inside, she knew they did not care she was about to enter the room, but couldn't help but feel nervous about the thought.

Her crimson gaze hovered around the bedroom. It still looked the same as the day she had escaped from the baseball field. A familiar glimmer caught her eye. The frightening mirror that had made her look like a stranger in the yellow-eyes clothes greeted her. Its golden frames glittered in the warm sunlight. Impressed by how the sun rays were able to reach so far into the darkest corner of the room, she tilted her head.

Small dust flakes danced in the air, welcoming her with their complex swirls as she stepped further inside. Closing the door, she sat on her bed. It engulfed her, making her collapse to its depths. Oh, how much she had missed the soft mattress. In her adventures, she had forgotten how amazing the object felt.

She laid still for an unknown time, refusing to move. Perhaps she should have stolen the mattress earlier and taken it with her so they could have travelled together. It couldn't have been too hard to carry it around the forest. The image of her strolling beneath the trees with the mattress popped into her mind, causing a chuckle to slip out of her mouth. Fred would have hopefully loved it, and he and the mattress could have become lifelong friends. All three of them could have lived together and gone to visit the newborn's tree friend every now and then.

She gulped.

Meeting the Volturi had made her brain push her thoughts of Fred away. In the moment, it had been a good idea to run away from him, but now she regretted it. Was he still searching for her? Her face dropped. As she was not dead, she needed to figure out a way to contact him. Fred deserved to know where she was, at least. He didn't need to want to be friends with her anymore-she'd fully understood why he might not-but that did not mean she could leave him uninformed of her whereabouts and what had happened.

The sixteen-year-old sat back up, feeling the mattress under her move along with her body's movements. Maybe she could get the Cullens to help her contact him. She was stuck with them for at least a year, so perhaps they could help her in return for her not attempting to escape during that time.

Her contemplating gaze shifted around the room, stopping stunned after spotting a stack of books almost right next to her. To her utter shock, the geography books Carlisle had prior given her laid untouched on her bed's flower sheets. Had she turned blind? How had they hidden themselves so well from her eyes? They were objects. Not creatures that could camouflage themselves. Most important was the fact they resided in her room. Why were they here? Had no one bothered to come get them?

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 of Bree TannerWhere stories live. Discover now