²⁷. stop hiding from me, my patience is running out.

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^what Taehyung looks like.
opposite polar of Tyung.
he's soft yet naughty, mischievous,
irresponsible, childish,
spoiled since he descends from a wealthy family.

Jungkook was driving back to the house after his meeting with Mrs. Douglass. the woman who spoke about her dreams and visions about ancient Egypt.

the streets of Giza were so crowded, it made his frustration double each second on the road.

even those sellers would knock on his window each time he stopped at a red light and convince him to buy cheap snacks or goods with a crazy expensive price even though he refuses.

he was well aware of their tricks.

he knows his Asian looks always gives him away so at foreign countries they always think he's a tourist and try to take advantage of it.

however, he was born and raised in Los Angeles. he has been traveling different countries since he was five years old.

he was basically aware of all the tricks up their sleeves when it came to scamming tourists and what not.

...and it used to make him crack jokes all the time but right now, it's really getting on his nerves.

the meeting didn't go quite as planned.

the woman didn't add a thing to the things he knew about Egypt. except for the rituals she spoke about.

the moment he walks inside the house, Jin, Yoongi, and Bambam, noticed the weight in his steps as he walked to the open kitchen on the living room and grabbed a bottle of water. angrily throwing his keys on the countertop.

Jin furrowed his brows in concern, he knew jungkook had temper most of the time but he was always good at keeping the steam in, "hey Jeon, how did the meeting go? Everything alright?"

he knew he was at a meeting yet about what and with whom? he had no idea. all that he knew was that it was extremely important and maybe not work related.

Jungkook sighed, glancing at the ground. "not so great." he massaged his nap, closing his eyes in frustration. "nothing goes the way I want these days,"

Jin nodded before walking up to him, "what was it about. you know we can't help you unless you let us in."

"It's personal," he replied curtly, walking off to his room.

The concern in the researchers eyes deepened, but they respected his privacy.

In the confines of his space, Jungkook sank onto his chair, his mind racing with frustration.

then he remembered the details the mysterious woman had shared about her pre-vision ritual. It was at least something, a thread he could grasp onto.

Jungkook decided to try the ritual. He needed answers, a way back to ancient Egypt, a place he had come to cherish.

Meanwhile, Jin, Yoongi, and Bambam gathered in the living room, exchanging worried glances.

"Something's up with Jeon," Jin observed, concern etched on his face. "He's been distant lately."

bambam screeched, "please. he's always distant."

Yoongi, flipping through a book, nodded in agreement. "I get it Jin, I've noticed too. And he barely eats. Always staying in his room, working his ass off."

Bambam chimed in, "He must have a good reason. You know how stubborn he gets when he's onto something."

apparently, four months were enough for them to understand eachothers habits and personalities.

the secret of kemet.  taekookWhere stories live. Discover now