Sometimes all u need is a hug

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I wake up and feel his body next to mine. His arms are around me. I feel my whole body throbbing.

-Good morning baby, he says and try's to hug me.

I sit up and try's to get him of me. It hurts so bad.

-Does it hurt?, he ask.

-What do you think?, i answer.

-Yeah. Im sorry for hurting you love. You know I can't help it, he says.

He can't help it. He always tell me that he will try. He always tell me that he loves me. But he do it again and again anyway. But I love him so much..

I wake up all sweaty and breathless. I stand up and starts to walk around in my room. I'm trying to catch my breath but it's hopeless. I'm panicking and don't know what to do. I can't wake up someone in my family. I've been telling mom that everything is better. I just can't break her like that again. By telling her I've been lying this whole time. I don't even think I just do it. Take my phone and message him.

"Are u awake"
"Please be awake"

"I am now"
"What's wrong?"

"Thank god not a second early"
"Could we go on a walk"

"It's the middle of the night Nia"

"I know"
"But I had a nightmare. I could go out alone but what if I get hurt?"

"Well that's true"
"I'll meet u up in 15"

"Thank u"

"No prob"

I suddenly feel a little better knowing I have someone that cares about me. I put on a black off shoulder sweater and grey flared leggings. Put my hair up in a ponytail and get out of the house as quiet as I can.

I put on a blue hoodie to not freeze. Am I really doing this? Getting out in the middle of the night to go on a walk with her. But it's not a random girl. It's Nia. Yeah I've only known her for two days but she is who she is. And I can see that she has problems she don't really talk about. I hope she will one day, but maybe not. I get out and starts to walk to meet her. I see her and I can see that she's crying.

-Can you please tell me what's happening?, I ask.

She shakes her head.

-You won't understand. I can't tell anyone, she says.

-That's okay. But I want u to know that if you would want to. You could tell me, I say.

-Thank I so much Chris. Thank u for everything, she says.

I smile at her. She smiles back but her smile fades.

-I still don't like u, she say.

-Didn't think so, I say.

-Good. Just making sure, she says with a smile.

We walk for maybe 20 minutes.

-Does it feel better?, I ask her.

-Yeah a lot better, she says.

-I'll follow u home, I say and she nod.

I can't stop thinking about how beautiful she is. When we are at her house she looks at me.

-Get home now and get some sleep, she says and hug me.

A long hug. I hug her by the waist. I don't want to let go but the weird thing is that she doesn't want to either.

-I usually don't like hugs, she says.

-But sometimes all u need is a hug, I say.

She let go and smile at me.

-Good night. Or almost good morning, she says and laugh before getting into her house.

I get home and go to sleep directly when I get to my bed. I don't even turn of the lights or get under the blanket. I just fall asleep directly. But with a smile.

I wake up as happy as I fell asleep. The feeling from the hug is still with me.

-Chris your getting late, Sean says.

My brother.

-Why are the lights on?, he asks.

-Cause I like it that way. Get out, I say.

I check the time and see that the buss is here in ten minutes. I put on a shirt and shorts as fast as I can and run down the stairs to get what I need. Then I have to run out to the buss. On the next stop my friend is getting on the bus. And I see that Nia also is. My friend sit next to me. Nia looks at me and smiles.

-Hey. U tired?; she asks.

-A little. Wby?, I ask back.

-Not more then usual, she laughs and sit down next to her friend.

-Who's that?, Nathan, my friend asks and wake me up from staring at Nia.

-Uhm Nia. We met at a party, I say.

-She's cute, Nathan says.

I nod.

-But she's famous for being heartless. Just that move she just did is sick. She likes u, he says.

-She's not heartless. That's just her character, I say.

-I guess, he says.

When we are at school we all walk to our lockers. Me and Nathan meet up the other boys.

-Chris have been getting with a hottie!, Nathan says to them.

-Stop no i haven't!, I say.

-Okay but he's about to, Nathan says.

- Who?, Simon asks.

I look at her. She has her locker in the same corridor as me. That's why I've been seeing her before.

-Nia, I say.

-She's literally gorgeous. Shoot your shot bro, Val says.

They are right like I already knew. She's wearing a white long sleeve and black flared leggings. Her dark blonde/light brown hair are laying perfect with volume. And her face. It's just angelic. And her body. Wow. But I have been getting closer to her personality. She's not the one she acts to be. That's something I know now.

-But she's acting like she hate everyone isn't she?, Val says.

-Yeah and she acted like she hated Chris too. But Chris fell for her anyway, Elia says.

He was at the party and I told him about her.

-No one hates everyone, I say.

-No you should have seen her at the bus! You could see the shine in her eyes when she saw Chris, Nathan laughs.

-Well go talk to her before the first lesson!, Simon says.

-No, I say.

-Simon says!, Nathan laughs.

That's a joke we have. You just have to do what they say if they say Simon says.

-Hey, I say to her.

-I'm coming in a while, she says to her friends and then turn to me.

-You really think u are someone to me now huh?, she says.

Her smile is so wonderful.

-No no I know don't worry, I say.

-Thank u again for everything, she say.

-Im here to help. But I need to go to class now. And u too, I say.

-Yup, she say.

-Text me if there's anything, I say.

-I will, she say with a smile.

-Promise, I ask and give out my pinky.

She laughs.

-Promise, she say and do pinky.

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