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pain makes people change

When you think of the word betrayal, what do you think of? The first boy to ever break your heart? Your ex-best friend who turned on you when you needed them the most?

Finn didn't think about either of those things. She didn't think about the boy whom she gave everything to that ended up cheating on her, she didn't think about a sibling who took the last piece of cake. She didn't even think about a childhood bully that did anything they could to hurt her feelings. No, she thought of the people you'd least expect - family.

Her mother and her father, if they even deserved to have the title anymore. They had a debt to pay to keep their quaint little village from getting overrun by pirates, and instead of paying that debt with Berries as promised - they offered up the one thing you'd think they'd never want to lose. Their one and only daughter.

After giving up Finn to whatever grimy pirate it was that they owed - one she didn't even have the time to make an acquaintance with, she was gone within the blink of an eye. No goodbyes, no heartfelt speech on why they did what they did - they just did. It was one sorrowful look from her mother that turned to relief as the unknown pirate crew snatched her away to slave over them for the rest of her life.

Who would want to live a life like that? Slaved away to a crew of pirates who treated you like dirt, having been given up by the people who were supposed to love you the most? Finn surely didn't, but she was at a loss at this point.

There was no escape. There was no escaping the horrible pirate crew, going back home and in the arms of her 'loving' parents. Even if Finn could manage to escape from the grimy ship, where would she go? What would she do? How would she live with no Berries, no clothes, nothing?

She didn't have family, friends, not even acquaintances to help her until she got on her own two feet. She was just going to have to live with the fact that she was given up like a piece of property, something to own and not a human to live.

She'd only been with these pirates for a good day and a half, only thanks to none other than Buggy the Clown of the Buggy Pirates. She'd only been there long enough to sneak into their food at night, even eating an odd-looking fruit that tasted absolutely disgusting. But food was food, and she couldn't complain given the situation she was in.

As Buggy infiltrated the small pirate ship, he ordered the crew to take anything they had for their own. It was something that happened often between pirates, especially when one was worth more Bounty and considered more dangerous, much like the way Buggy was compared to the unnamed pirate crew who'd stolen Finn away.

Buggy was quick to steal her just as well, much in the same way she was stolen from her parents. She didn't put up half as much of a fight this time, as if there was nobody to comfort her last time - why would there be this time? She didn't know anyone on this ship, let alone want to, there was no reason. Either way, she was stuck slaving away to a pirate crew, her freedom stripped of her completely. 

Now, she sits in Buggy's circus tent, locked up when she's not needed to do different chores around the tent. She didn't know where she was, just that he'd taken an entire town captive - forcing them to watch an excruciating show almost every day. They looked just as miserable as she felt, and if she had it her way she'd do anything in her power to escape and save those people as well.

But, alas, there's no escaping. The only chance of escape is to just be captured by another captor and used as an item instead of a living specimen. The only way to escape is when death takes over, rendering her useless to Buggy himself. Nobody will save her, she learned that from the beginning when her parents willingly gave her up to save their own sorry asses.

There's nothing coming for her, nothing saving her from the sad story that is her life. The only family she'd ever known gave her away, with no goodbyes to none of her friends, nobody in the village.

She'd be stuck scraping nasty-smelling substances from the ground, chaining the townspeople up, and doing whatever Buggy commanded. Even if she had been able to find a way for her escape, it was just as before. Nobody to help, no Berries, no clothes - that didn't include Buggy's extravagant attire - nothing to help her get on her feet. Buggy would find her, he would bring her back, and she'd probably have to live a worse life than now. He knew what her strengths and weaknesses were, and he knew her fears despite the fact that she'd said little to nothing.

Part of her screamed at herself to at least try. Try to escape, taste the freedom on the tip of her tongue. She wanted nothing more than to find her way out of here and be free from everyone she previously knew - especially her parents. She felt back and forth. On one hand, scheming a plan could work - she'd much rather have nothing and be free than be somebody's slave. But on the other hand, if this didn't work, she'd be in worse condition than now.

It couldn't get any worse if she did fail, could it?


Prologue is here! Hope you enjoyed :) If you're new to my stories, I either put up a quote, poem, song, or lyrics that I feel relate to something whether it be the chapter specifically or the story <3 

Also, as mentioned in the intro, a lot will be altered to go with this timeline, so if it doesn't match the LA, that would be why. Please comment! I love comments :)

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