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silence is the most powerful scream

Finn stared at herself in the mirror of the giant bathroom she stood in, analyzing every little detail of her appearance. Very few minor cuts and bruises she'd gained from the fight with Buggy were on her body - thankfully leaving her face and neck blemish-free. 

Well, for the most part, that is. There was a bit of bruising beginning to form around her neck where the chains choked her, but as of right now, they were barely visible. That would probably change within a day or two as they healed.

Deciding she shouldn't make the others wait any longer, she walked out and into the bedroom. The bedroom was all too familiar, as it was the main place she hung out with Usopp and Kaya when she came over.

She stopped coming over more when Kaya's new butler came around. Klahadore had always given Finn the heebie-jeebies, but it's ten times worse now that she's seeing Kaya for the first time since she left. He'd always been protective of Kaya - too protective, in Finn's opinion. But she brushed herself off as being envious nobody was protective of her the way he was Kaya. And so she let it go, not bothering to bring it up to anyone at all.

The bedroom looked just as it did before Finn left, but considering she hadn't been gone for long it wasn't a surprise. 

"Nothing's changed since you left," A soft voice spoke, causing Finn to jump. 

She held the white towel closer to her chest, turning to see Kaya sitting at the edge of her bed.

"S-sorry, I used your bathroom because I didn't want to wait for the others," Finn mumbled. She held the towel as close to her body as she could as if it would magically make clothes appear.

"You never have to apologize, Finley." Kaya sent a smile her way, "You're my friend. You're welcome to use whatever you need, whenever you need. Although I hope you know I am wondering why you had left."

"I can borrow something- something to wear then?" Finn asked, ignoring Kaya's statement.

"Of course you can," Kaya said again. She didn't say anything more about why Finn had been gone, and Finn was glad.

She knew she was eventually going to have to explain to Kaya why she left so suddenly, but she'd already broken down once today telling Usopp. She didn't want to break down again, but she knew Kaya deserved a reason.

It was silent as Finn flipped through the different clothing articles of Kaya's, looking for something to wear. She finally decided on something that would fit her figure. It was a pink color, which wasn't surprising as it was one of Kaya's dresses.

She stepped back into the bathroom to change, the sound of Kaya's soft voice stopping her for a moment. "You don't have to tell me if you're uncomfortable doing so, although I would appreciate an explanation as to why my best friend left me in the way she did."

Finn felt a pain in her chest as she gently closed the door, leaving it open just enough for them to continue their talk. She began to get dressed, fighting with herself over what to say before responding.

"I didn't want to leave," Finn finally said, zipping the dress up. "I was forced to. My parents decided that instead of doing what they could to pay off a debt, I was worth tossing away."

She probably didn't word it the best, but saying this was better than saying nothing at all. She didn't want to leave Kaya hanging, making her feel like she wasn't worthy enough of an explanation for her disappearance.

Kaya and Usopp were her only two friends. Finn had been friendless for the majority of her life, especially before the two came around. If it weren't for Usopp, she'd have never met Kaya, and if it weren't for the both of them she'd never have known that true friends do exist.

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