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let go of the illusion that it could have been any different

Finn looked at Usopp with a worried look, unsure of how the rest of the night would go. Luffy didn't seem to care and instead continued to smile as if nothing he said was wrong.

"Is that so?" Kaya asked, not seeming bothered by him at all. In fact, she seemed entertained and joyed by his determination.

Although that shouldn't surprise Finn as much as it does, because whenever Usopp would tell his amazing 'adventures' that he's 'constantly going on', Kaya was just as entertained then as she was now.

Luffy held his cup out to Klahadore. Finn noticed the angry look on the butler's face, but she stayed silent. This wasn't a situation where she needed to say or do anything, enough was already happening as is. She told herself she'd cut in if needed, but by the look she shared with Nami - Nami would say something before she could.

Klahadore groaned but took the cup anyway. Once the cup was out of his hands, Luffy turned back to where Kaya sat.

"Kaya," He began as he grabbed her shoulders. "You have a beautiful ship out there. A caravel with a sheep figurehead. It spoke to me."

Finn's nose scrunched up at Luffy's choice of words but admired him even if it came out a little odd. She quite liked being around the boy, even if they'd just met. She didn't trust him the way she wanted to - with good reason - but he was so admirable she didn't mind sticking around him for a while.

Nami, on the other hand, seemed irritated. It was obvious she didn't believe any of this was going to work and that it was a waste of time. She just rolled her eyes from her seat, unable to be seen by the boy in the straw hat.

"That's the ship we need to follow our dreams." He said, "I promise you, we'll take care of it. Maintain it."

Zoro and Nami shared a look, one that showed they agreed that this wouldn't end well.

Finn had hope. She believed in Luffy, even if his way of doing things was a little out of the ordinary.

Usopp looked at Finn, and when he saw the look in her eyes, he smiled. It was full of hope, and a glimmer of something he'd never seen in her eyes before.

"Treat it like any other member of our crew," Luffy continued. "Because a ship is also a home." 

Kaya's face began to change, and Finn could tell it was an emotion a lot like hers. She wasn't against it, but before she could even begin to speak her thoughts Klahadore spoke up.

"That will be quite enough!" He then looked to Usopp. "I should've known Usopp would bring riffraff to our doorstep!"

He began to walk around the table, and Kaya took that as her moment to speak up.

"Klahadore, it's okay. I-" She stopped, beginning to cough a horrible-sounding cough. 

"Now look what you've done," Klahadore spoke as he stopped on the other side of Kaya. "You've upset Miss Kaya."

"What?" Finn asked without thinking, snapping out of the daze she'd been put in. "We upset her?"

"All of you, out of this house at once!" Klahadore exclaimed, ignoring Finn.

"No," Finn muttered, standing from her seat at the same time Kaya mumbled the same word.

Usopp looked down in defeat, and Finn rested her hand on his shoulder.

"We've done nothing," Finn stood up. "My friends and I have come with good intentions-"

"Enough!" Klahadore cut Finn off.

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