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the only solution was to stand and fight

The ship sailed. Nami had taken no time to get comfortable and navigate to where they were off to next. They'd somehow avoided The Marines, even with their little setback with Finn's parents.

Usopp rummaged through the cabinets in the kitchen, smiling to himself when he found what he'd been looking for. "Hello," He muttered, grabbing the glass bottle. He sat on the countertop, tossing the small pieces of popcorn in the air before catching them in his mouth. He then grabbed a huge handful from the bottle, shoving it all in his mouth at once. He was content.

Luffy sat on the top of the front of the ship, smiling at the view in front of him. He was the happiest of the group - one could easily tell - and every once in a while the crew could hear him shout out in joy.

He then turned to Nami, who'd been the only one up with them. "I told you it would all work out!"

"Yeah, well-" Nami stopped, leaning on her side. "Don't get used to it."

"Used to what?" Luffy asked.

"Being right," Nami answered in response.

Luffy didn't say anything, and instead just looked ahead again. This ended their brief conversation, the two enjoying the view.

Zoro lay on the hammock where he'd sleep each night, his mind in thoughts. Although it was impressive that Luffy had managed to get the crew a ship, he didn't feel like chatting with the others.

The only person he even briefly wanted to check in on was Finn, who refused to speak to anyone.

Of course, the girl was grateful. She was more than thankful the crew she thought left her there had come back for her, especially since Usopp was now part of that crew - and he was one of her closest friends. However, it didn't change the pain and heartache she endured in the short time her parents had kidnapped her. It didn't change they hated her and made her more than aware, making her question her entire life.

She sat alone, lying in the bed she'd been given. She was glad to be left alone, but part of her didn't want to be alone. She'd been by herself her entire life - despite having parents 'taking care' of her. Despite having Usopp and Kaya around - who barely had any idea of what was going on behind closed doors. She'd been alone, and so even though she knew the crew was simply giving her the space she needed by leaving her alone, she couldn't help but feel lonely.

The darkness consumed Finn. She felt sad, heartbroken, and any other negative emotion you could possibly feel. She constantly thought about whether her parents had gotten out of their binds yet or if they were still tied to the chairs. She thought about whether or not they'd actually find her, and take her right back to that sad excuse for a house.

Finally, Finn's eyes felt heavy. She didn't decline the sleepiness hitting her, knowing it was much better than the reality she was living in.

"Guys!" Usopp exclaimed. He walked into the room where everyone - except for Finn - sat, chatting amongst themselves. "Check it out!"

Nobody said anything and watched the boy as he walked further into the room, grabbing something from a table. "Using my unparalleled artistic talent, I made us a new Jolly Roger for the ship."

He opened up and handed it to Luffy, who had a puzzled look on his face. It was very clear that Usopp had made the Jolly Roger to his liking, putting a slingshot and the bandana he constantly wore on it. It looked nothing like Luffy's previous Jolly Roger, the one that had the straw hat on it.

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