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someone will ache for your soul,
wait for them

"I feel kind of bad for Kaya," Luffy began as the group sat in the room. He stood from his spot before beginning to walk around, looking at the different clothes. "All this stuff, all this space. It's gotta make a person feel... lonely."

"Rich people don't have the same emotions we do." Nami cut in from where she stood, an emotionless look on her face. 

The comment immediately upset Finn, who glared at the orange-haired girl's back. 

Nami didn't notice but continued to speak as she looked through the fabric. "This stuff doesn't make her feel lonely. It makes her feel important." 

"You don't know Kaya," Finn spat, picking at her fingers. "She's not like the rich people you claim to know. Just because she has money from a family she was born into doesn't mean she lacks emotion. If anyone has ever lacked any, it's you."

Nami glared back at the girl, but couldn't respond as Luffy began to talk again.

"Well, Usopp likes her. And so does Finn." He looked between the three others. "And she invited us to dinner. I'm sure we can even work out a way to get that ship."

"No way," Nami denied. "Rich people don't stay rich by giving things away."

Once again frustrated with Nami's look at things, Finn began to say something. However, before she could manage to get a word out she had been stopped.

Zoro shook his head at her, his voice low enough to where the other two couldn't hear. "She's not worth it."

Finn listened and sat back as Luffy responded instead.

"You want to bet?" He asked, causing Nami to stop messing with the hung-up clothing. She glanced back at him, a smirk covering her face.

"What are the terms?"

After Nami and Luffy decided to place a bet on whether or not Luffy could get Kaya to give them a ship, the conversation was finally over. 

Nami got both Luffy and Zoro something to get dressed in, finding herself a different outfit in the process. After the other three got ready, it was time for them to go.

They were all gathered in a common room, visiting with each other before they went into the dinner hall. Finn watched as Usopp and Luffy snacked on anything and everything that was handed to them, while Nami visited with other people who were present in the room.

Luffy then looked to Zoro, a giant smile on his face as he took another bite of the snack he was given. "Zoro, you have to try this!"

"I've got all I need right here," Zoro muttered as he picked up one of the fancy drinks. He took a sip and tried it, before grabbing another one off of the table. 

He then offered it to Finn, who hesitantly took it from him.

She took a small sip as she continued to watch her surroundings. Nami was talking about Kaya's finances - what a shocker - as the chef stole bits and pieces of snacks from the snack tray the maid held.

 Finn clenched the drink in her hand as she watched Nami grip the man's shoulder, scoffing loudly unintentionally. Zoro - who stood next to Finn - watched as well.

"Nami's just being Nami."

"She's doing too much," Finn mumbled. "She's so judgmental of other people but she's one of the worst I've ever met."

"I think she's been through a lot, just like the rest of us," Zoro told the girl, taking another sip of his drink.

The sound of someone clearing their throat caught everyone's attention, and they looked over to see Klahadore.

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