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if where you are is hurting you, find some other place to be

After Usopp informed Zoro of a wine cellar in the basement, that was all the green-haired boy needed to know where he'd been headed next. He motioned an arm toward the exit, where Usopp sent Finn one glance before beginning to lead the way.

Finn followed as well, knowing that even if it was a walk to some cellar she didn't want to go to, she wanted to spend the time with her friend she could. Despite old jealous and envious feelings surfacing, and besides the sadness that inhabited her when she thought about how this was once her home.

She had taken his friendship for granted before, and now that she'd be leaving him again - this time willingly - she knew she didn't want to take the short amount of time with him and Kaya for granted any longer.

"Coming?" Finn heard Zoro ask Luffy, but she didn't bother to wait. She followed behind Usopp, her mind running as she took in the paintings and other artwork along the walls.

It didn't take too long for them to arrive at the wine cellar, where Zoro immediately began to look around.

To Finn, the uneasy feeling she'd felt before got much worse. She couldn't explain what it was, and so she stood behind Usopp. Putting her hands over her stomach, she glanced around at the creepy cellar. The quicker she'd be able to get out of this room - the better.

 When Zoro walked to the right, Usopp went left leaving Finn on her own. She didn't like this, and so she was quick to fall into step behind her old friend to avoid being on her own.

For someone who hated depending on people so much, she couldn't help but never want to be alone in this giant house. Maybe it was the fact that Usopp gave her a little feeling of nostalgia as only a week ago she'd been here with him, living what she would have described as her 'best' life - or what she thought would be the best. Maybe it was the fact that the entire house Kaya lived in and was ultimately confined to creeped her out to the max. Either way, the cellar was much, much worse. She just wanted out, yet was too afraid to turn and leave on her own.

She stood only a foot or two away from Usopp, her eyes on the ceiling as she glanced around the dark cellar. The main light that helped them see the place was from the entryway they'd come through, the rest of the cellar was dark and cold-looking.

"I'm pretty sure they keep the good stuff over here," Usopp spoke from in front of Finn.

He turned and began to walk away, but fell to the floor as he'd seemingly tripped over something. This was enough to catch Finn's attention, whose arms fell to her sides in shock as she saw what it was before Usopp was able to turn his body and look.

"Oh my God," She mumbled, covering her mouth with her hand.

There, lying in a pool of blood on the floor, was Merry's dead body. He'd been killed in cold blood, for who knew how long. It had been sometime after the dinner for sure, but Finn couldn't tell exactly when as it looked as if he'd been there for a long time.

"Zoro-" Usopp mumbled, scooting back on his hands. "Zoro, it's Mer- It's Merry. He's-"

Finn stumbled back as well, tears filling her eyes at the sight. This must've somehow been the odd feeling she'd gotten, even if she couldn't explain why or how.

"He's dea-" Usopp stopped himself, unable to breathe properly due to the shock of seeing Merry.

Zoro, who had begun to drink a glass of whatever alcohol he'd gotten his hands on, stopped what he was doing as he walked past Usopp to where Merry lay.

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