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so close, but so far away

The sound of dripping was heard nearby, the stillness of the night preventing Finn from getting any sleep. She lay on the makeshift bed, her eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room she was in. She didn't know what room it was exactly, but it was nothing close to a bedroom. It was a tiny room with what looked to be a couple of circus props and vanities, something for the 'freaks' - as Buggy liked to call them - to use to get ready for their acts.

She wanted to complain. She wanted to complain about how her bed wasn't really a bed, just a twin-sized mattress shoved into the corner of the room by a spinning wheel - one of those freaky ones you attach people to - and near a cage hanging from the ceiling. She wanted to complain about the lack of sleep she was getting due to it either being too cold or too hot in the room or how she had to find time to sleep around when the freaks used the room.

There was so much she wanted to whine and groan about. But then she realized - this was heaven compared to the unknown pirate ship. She actually had something to be called a 'bed' here, which was more than the grimy pirate crew had given her. Despite being a slave to Buggy, he wasn't half as bad as she'd thought when he first took her. He was an angel compared to the other pirate, and that's saying a lot considering she was only under his care for what seemed like very little time.

Now, this doesn't change the fact that she hates Buggy. She hates that he stole her, that she's still slaving away to a pirate. Had he actually been a good person, he'd have stolen her to let her go. Had he done that, then maybe she'd consider joining his pirate crew. But being forced to join something is always one of the worst feelings ever. It's the thought of having free will, being able to choose all of your decisions on your own. No parents, no captors, nobody telling you what to do and when to do it.

She hated having to be told when she could eat, sleep, and just exist. She wanted to exist freely in a place she could call home. She wanted to find that home and stay there forever. This wasn't home, the pirate ship from before wasn't home, and where her parents resided wasn't home. Nothing had ever been home to Finley, which did nothing but disappoint her. She's supposed to call the little village she grew up in home, as that's where all of her friends and family lived. She's supposed to be able to answer quickly when people ask her about her parents, yet she couldn't.

She loathed them more than Buggy, more than the pirate who'd stolen her from them as not only did they let this happen, but this was their idea. That makes it that much worse.

Rolling onto her stomach, she sighed as nausea filled her body. She felt like throwing up, simply due to the lack of food she'd had recently. She was extremely hungry and would be willing to do almost anything to get a good bite of food.

After realizing that she wouldn't be getting any sleep, she decided to take the risk and roam. She wasn't being kept locked up for some reason - probably due to whatever Buggy had been putting his main focus on recently. She didn't know for sure what it was, or maybe it wasn't anything at all. It could just honestly be he'd had Finn long enough to 'trust' her into not trying anything, but still, his attention was less and less on Finn, which the girl didn't mind.

She didn't have as much attention on her - save for the few other 'freaks' in the crew that watched her. She didn't have someone making sure she was doing everything required of her, and this also meant she didn't have anyone making sure she was restrained at night to keep her from breaking free of the tent she called hell.

It was dark, only a dim light here and there to light her way around the tent. She didn't know all of the locations and rooms, simply because she was only ever allowed to go into the giant area where the freaks performed and where she stayed. This would give her a chance to at least get to know the location a bit more - maybe even set herself free if she's lucky.

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